Guilty Happiness

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Emma takes the first step and Ray follows.
She quickly becomes engulfed in her happiness. Hence, resulting in the most uncontrollable smile. He watches her facial expression evolve into something angelic and innocent. He smiles at the sight of her.

"You became so happy so fast"
He thinks.

The two glide across the room both of them finally getting a reason to stare into each others eyes.
Emma finds herself not very good at first and constantly looks down at their feet to see his movements and follow. She finds herself messing up, but Ray was somehow a natural!

She started getting irritated by his perfection and struggles to get it right.

"This is.... way more difficult than I thought!" She says, but she's also laughing at her mistakes.
Ray laughs at her and she pouts.

As her gaze was down, ignoring him teasing her, but then Ray made her heart throb and she loses concentration.

"Emma, that dress looks good on you."

She almost didn't hear him. Her mind freezes. She slowly tilts her head up from his feet and their eyes meet once again.

"You look... really beautiful" he compliments her again.

At this point she's speechless.

"You think so..?"

Her face gets hotter. She turns her head down but her eyes remain on him. She finally mumbles out some words.

"Ray that.. I. Thank you"
She smiles, still blushing. His face softens at her.

The two constantly trip or steps on each others feet but their smiles never disappeared.

Soon, she picked up his movements and stared dancing to his patterns.

Ray was impressed that she learned it so fast. But then again, she's always been a quick learner.

"You got it Emma. Good job"
"I'm just stealing your movements! Haha"
"Hm, well let's see if you can really keep up with me."
"I think it's the other way around, friend."

They give each other the look of love, masked by their challenge.

Ray picked up movements.

"You're not stealing the show that easily!" She says with confidence.

He gives her a smirk as she quickly learns his steps and creates her own too.
He laughed at her attempt to beat him at his own game.
"I can see you struggling Emma!"
"Oh? Is that so? We'll see about that!"

He quietly laughs because she's genuinely trying to win.
They both had moved across the room in sync. Their dance was far from a mess. Even while improvising, their rhythm was perfect. But it didn't matter what it looked like. They were both smiling, and it was all that mattered.

She was laughing at herself messing up once again, until Ray asked her,
"Hey, do you feel awkward?.. There's no music" he smiled awkwardly at his own question.

She stopped laughing to wonder.
"Hmm... good point. I guess it IS kinda weird, huh? Haha, I forgot all about it because I'm so happy right now!"

He smiles at her lovingly. Emma looks down once again, trying her honest best to dance well. But then she hears a familiar melody.

Ray had started humming the song Isabella (their mother) always sung for them. (Name: Isabella's lulluby)

That song was one of the biggest part of their childhood. They loved it. They still didn't know it's origins but they still found it a beautiful tune.

She watched him looking to the ceiling and humming. He was clearly embarrassed by it. She saw this and joined along on the melody.

This took him by surprise, but it made him feel less embarrassed, which was her goal.

They took turns, humming a section of the song and then switching so that the other person sang the next section, and repeated just like that. Somehow, they knew when to step in. They had perfect cooperation once again. The song fluttered in the air. It felt so magical, they forgot they were still on Earth.. the feeling was truly unreal. But even though they were taking turns, towards the end of the song they started singing in harmony, at the same time, and Ray spun Emma and watched as her red dress fluttered in the air.

When the song finished, they ended their dance with Ray over Emma, supporting her with one arm around her as the other holds Emma's left hand.
None of them realised the song was already over. Being hypnotized by the others smile caused them to forget the very concept of time.
She playfully and quietly exclaimed

"Encore, Encore!"

Her happiness and joy were exploding inside her. As her happiness was contagious, Rays smile had also grown on his face. He looked at her with love in his eyes.

He let go as he stood her up, but he still held her hand. While she was distracted laughing, he bent down in front of her and he slowly and lightly places his lips on her hand and kisses it.

She quickly looks at him as she only sees a confident, blushing smile looking back at her. He stands up, still holding her hand and continues to watch her. She almost saw him wearing an all black suit for a second.

"He really is a gentlemen..."

Her eyes were wide, staring at him still in denial about what had just happened.
Then she recalls Violets words,
"Emma, you should be more confident now."

While she stood there, she stepped towards him and reached up to his face with her free hand. She cups his cheek with her hand. Emma wasn't sure what she was doing. She wanted to stop but her body disobeyed her. His conscience also regected him as well as he leaned over.
Ray wanted to stop. He couldn't stop thinking something was wrong about this. But his body didn't stop. His heart didn't stop.
She pressed her lips to his cheeks and left them there for a few seconds. He felt her hot breaths on his cheek and his face became warmer. Her eyes closed to deny the reality of what she was doing. Ray was in shock. Emma receded and slowly opened her eyes to a very blushed 'Prince' infront of her.

He looked at her terrified expression. Her lips quivvered and she bites on the inside of her cheek to stop it from shaking.
His face softens. His shock was long gone and he showed her a smile. But.. there was something off. And all she could think was,

"Why did his smile... look so sad?"

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