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We started to pack up our stuff. We were going to move to the closest village. I finished packing my stuff and looked towards Shiemi. She seemed nervous. I was a bit scared that the old mans family member would find us.
"Shiemi." She looked towards me.
"Let's go." I held out my hand to hers. She took it and smiled at me. Akira nodded his head and we started traveling with Shiemi on my back.

We followed a dirt road to a village. We didn't know what village it would bring us to but we kept going.
"How are we going to defend ourselves?"
"M-maybe we should find a cave or cabin."
"We are vulnerable. Any demon could kill us." I stared at the ground.
"What if," I started, "What if we kill the demons."
"How are we going to kill them? We're just little kids." I looked up to Akira and said,
"I know. That's why we will have to learn or find someone who's willing to help and protect us."
"W-well..... What happens if they send us back to the old man?"
"Then we run." She stared at me nervously.
"We're too slow."
"You don't know that. If we are too slow then we'll have to use our brains." Shiemi and Akira nodded their heads.

That night we were able to find a cave that had rocks covering a bit of the entry. There was a hole that was not covered with rocks. We squeezed through it and we were able to fit. We laid down Akira's haori and used my and Shiemi's haori as blankets. Shiemi was in the middle with Akira to her right, and me to her left. After a few minutes I woke up. I couldn't sleep. The breeze through the crack was getting in the cave and making it cold. I looked towards Akira and Shiemi and could tell that they were having a hard time sleeping as well. I wrapped my arms around myself. 'Why is it suddenly so cold?' I felt Shiemi wrap her arms around me. I got out of her grasp and squeezed in between her and Akira. I proceeded to wrap my left wrap around Shiemi and my right arm around Akira. I could feel Shiemi wrap her arms around me. Akira was snuggling up against me. We were all cold and were trying to get as much warmth as we could.

The next morning I woke up and saw Shiemi was awake tying her hair up. I looked to my right and Akira was still sleeping. I gently got up and smiled at Shiemi.
"Do you need help?"
"Y-yes please." I noticed that she was using ribbons to tie her hair with. I smiled at her.
"How are you going to tie up you hair with this?"
"I-I don't know. I just wanted to use it." I nodded my head and began to tie her hair into a low ponytail. Akira woke up and rubbed his eyes.
"Morning sleepy head. How did you sleep?" He glared at me with his golden orbs.
"Okay. My back hurts though. The ground is so uncomfortable." Shiemi looked at him and nodded her head.
"I-I'm pretty sure that the floor in the old mans house was more comfortable." Both Akira and I nodded our heads and agreement.
"Hey, Shiemi."
"Does your leg still hurt?" She shook her head.
"It hurts. B-but I can bear it." I stared at her red hair, freckled face, and then at her different colored eyes.
"Your really pretty." She blushed from embarrassment and thank me.
"(Y/N). Can you come help me get wood?" I nodded my head and took my haori to put on then went out to help Akira.

We carried a few extra fire wood just in case we might've needed more. I pushed the wood through the whole and squeeze myself in next. Akira tried to make fire while I was taking care of Shiemi's injured leg.
"I want to go somewhere safe. Somewhere that has peace. I want freedom." I stare up at Shiemi. Her eyes full of sadness and sorrow.
"We'll find freedom. Don't worry." I gave her a reassuring smile.
"Don't we all want something?" I nodded my head.
"I want to escape all of this." Akira sigh and opened his mouth to speak,
"I just want to restart everything." There were tears prickling Akira's eyes. I got up and blinked away my tears.
"There's no time to cry. If we want something we must work hard for it. We must keep going even when its unbearable." Akira and Shiemi nodded their heads and looked at me with hope back in their eyes.
"Let's go." Akira picked up Shiemi.

We were back to walking to the village. We were on the dirt road once again. Shiemi was on Akira's back. I was carrying our stuff. Shiemi pulled Akira's sleeve and pointed to a plant.
"That's something we might need on our journey." I stopped walking and looked towards where Shiemi was pointing and went to grab it. Once I had it we continued walking. I stared at the sky. It was a beautiful blue.
"The sky is so pretty." Shiemi and Akira nodded their heads. I felt Shiemi pull on my sleeve. I looked towards her. She gave me a red string. I stared at it.
"What's this for?" She smile at me.
"Do you know what red stands for?" I shook my head.
"It stands for fury, danger, and war. But also stands for love, and desire." She held my hand and tied it around my wrist. I smiled at her.
"Thank you." She then proceeded to tie a blue one around Akira's wrist.
"Blue stands for trust, loyalty, and heaven." He smiled at her, his eyes soften hearing her say those words.
"Let the strings be our motivation, determination, faith, hope, and let it be something that reminds us of each other." I nodded my head with Akira and we kept walking forwards.

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