Demon slayer

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We had went back to the cabin to collect our things. I picked up the bag of our stuff while Akira grabbed out axes and the baskets. Shiemi had grabbed the two chicks and the duckling. I yawned. I felt tried. Even though we just woken up earlier I felt tired. All the running, all the fighting, all the protecting. It was tiring. I was tired. I looked to Shiemi. Her face was red from the cold.
"Are you cold?" She turned to me surprised.
"N-no. I'm actually quite warm from all the running earlier."
I smiled to her and nodded my head. I put on my haori and opened the door. Akira was already with the man. I hugged Shiemi under my arm with my haori.
"I know that your cold."
She gave my a shy smiled and mumbled a "thank you"
I smiled a warm smile at her. She gave me one back. Just seeing her warm smile had made me felt warm inside. I held her hand tightly. Just like when we were younger.

When we made it to the mans house we were told that we could stay with him. A woman walked in and rubbed his hand gently.
"Welcome home. I can see that there are some kids that you have saved."
She gave us a warm smile and reached out to Shiemi's head. I felt my heart pound. It had felt like that time where the old mens were dragging Shiemi away. I remembered everything.... As if I had just experienced it a second ago. I slapped her hand away harshly and gave her a hard glare.
"Please don't touch her. Or any of us."
Shiemi cowered behind me a bit. I could feel her and Akira coward. Akira bowed down and apologized to them.
I turned to Shiemi and saw she was covering her mouth and nose with her hands. I turned my body to Shiemi and gently removed her hands.
"Are you sick?"
She only tilted her head a bit.
"M-Maybe? I don't know."
I looked to the adult and bow as a apology.
"She's sick. Do you have medicine?"
The woman nodded her head and said, "Follow me please."
I let Shiemi follow her and Akira and I waited for them to return.
"I'll make food you us, do you wanna watch?"
We nodded our heads.
"I would rather help."
Akira and I followed the man to the kitchen and Akira went to sit on the chair, while the man and I made porridge. Akira was playing with the utensils.
"I need you to cut the vegetables. Do you like them?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I just eat,what I get. I can't get picky because we don't get much."
He stared at Akira, then at me with concern in his eyes.
"What do you mean-
"I'm done cutting the vegetables." 
I turned to the man and set down the small knife. The man pointed to a tub of water.
"Wash your hands over there."
I went to wash my hands and Akira was getting everyone bowls.

(I'm so sorry this is so short! I haven't been posting for 2 weeks!)

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