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We continued to the next village. All of our kimonos filthy with gravel, dirt, and blood. I stared at the path ahead of us. I looked at the dirt road wondering if we will ever get where we wanted.
"Do you think we will ever get what we want?" She shook her head.
"Right now, we might not." I turned to Akira. I pat his head smiling.
"Stay positive." I gave him a big smile.

When we made it to the village there was a duckling following Shiemi. She seemed to be a bit scared of the duckling following her. I stared at it when we got to a food stall.
"Do you have anything?" I stared at the guy and shook my head.
"Well go away then. I have customers." He tried to shoo us away from the food stall. Suddenly Akira looked to him and replied.
"You mean the three of us? Or the duck behind us." The guy stared at it and looked to us.
"I'll give you food if you give me the duck." Akira nodded his head and picked up the duckling. The guy looked at it and made a disgusted face.
"I WANTED A DUCK! NOT DUCKLING!" The guy shouted and we walked away not wanting to cause anymore trouble. I sigh and looked down to the duckling and smiled at it. I took it out of Akira's hands and held onto it smiling warmly. Shiemi took it out of my hands and placed it in one of her pockets in her haori. I looked down to it and smiled at how cute it was.
"What are you smiling about (Y/N)?" I giggled.
"Nothing" he stared at me with a face that said what-is-wrong-with-you? I stared at him smiling widely.
"Isn't the duckling adorable?" Shiemi seemed to be smiling. I nodded my head. Akira sigh and shook his head at us.
"Why does the duckling have to be with us?" Suddenly Shiemi shouted.
"Look at all those chickens!" She pointed at a river of chickens walking the opposite direction. I ran towards it with Shiemi following close behind. Akira was just going to wait for us. When we got near the chickens I scooped up a chick. I put it in my pocket and slowly walked away trying to be not suspicious. When we were far enough I ran towards with Shiemi to Akira. I smiled at him and held out the chick.
"You stole it?" He gave me a blank face. I nodded my head with no shame.
"I-I stole one too. See?" I turned my head to Shiemi and saw a chick.
"You two are idiots. How are we going to keep a duckling, and two chicks alive when we can't feed ourselves?" I shrugged my shoulders. I looked down to my chick.
"W-well..... Maybe we can find them berries?" I turned to Shiemi and patted her head smiling with my eyes closed.
"Follow me." I nodded my head and followed Akira.
"No need to be so bitter Akira."
"I'm not being bitter."
"Well, then stop being salty." He sigh and glared at me. I just gave him a innocent smile. I turned to Shiemi.
"Do you think a duck and a chicken can have a child together?" She stared at me confused.
"Stop being weird (Y/N)." Akira replied to me.
"I didn't ask you Akira." I glared at him.
"W-well, I think that would be quite interesting." Shiemi smiled at me concerned.

We found a little cabin with no one in it.
"Why is it empty?"
"I-I think it's abandoned. It seems to be not be touched for years now." I nodded and went in.
"There's so much dust." Akira nodded his head and came in as well. The cabin was perfect. It had fit all of us perfectly. I raised my arms up and stretched. I stared at Shiemi.
"Is something wrong?" She shook her head.
"I-it's just that........ It's kinda dark here. One of us might get hurt." I looked around.
"I guess your right. Maybe there's a lantern here somewhere." Akira and I started searching for any sign for a lantern.
"I found one (Y/N)! Shiemi!" I walked towards him and gently took it from him.
"We can't make-
"I there's a fireplace!" Shiemi ran towards the fireplace and smiled.
"We can use this to warm up." I watched as the short girl went to collect the logs outside. Wait, logs outside? I walked to her and stared at her. 'This is suspicious. How is everything already here? The logs are freshly cut.' I touched the trees. I then touched the soil. 'The soil is definitely not old. It feels like someone had just put some new soil here.' I stared at Akira. He seemed to think it was also suspicious. I turned to Shiemi. Even though it didn't show on her face, I could tell that she thought it was weird for everything we needed was there.
"Let's spend the night here." Shiemi looked towards me and nodded her head. I walked in the cabin.
"Akira. Where's the lantern?" He handed it to me. Shiemi was able to make a fire. I put away the lantern.
"Let's clean this cabin." Akira and Shiemi nodded their heads.

We cleaned up the whole cabin and went inside. It was already dark out. I started to get lots of firewood and placed them in the fire. We set the futons and put them together. We all sat down on the futons and took off our haori. I took out the chick out my pocket. Shiemi did the same with the duck and chick. We set them down and watched as they curled up together. I smiled at them and laid down on my futon.
"I'm really tired." I got under the blankets and closed my eyes. I felt the warmth from the fire. 'Nothing felt so nice before.'
"Akira and I are going to stay up a bit, okay?" I nodded my head and drifted off into sleep.

Becoming a Hashira(Demon Slayer X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ