Demon slayer modern

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"Miss Shiemi!"
Shiemi turned around to me and smiled.
She walked towards me with a plant in her arms.
"What's that?"
She put down the plant and smiled sheepishly.
"I thought it would make this place look nicer."
"Oh, anyways, I need some seeds for fruits. Akira said his class needs them."
"Being a elementary teacher must be tough on him."
"Maybe, but he seems to have fun."
We both walked towards a aisle of seeds and tried to find the right ones.
"One of the kids are allergic to cats."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"I don't know. I just wanted to bring it up."
Shiemi giggled and I sigh.
"Where is YumeYuri?"
"She's out for lunch."
"Oh. Anyways, Akane wants you to help her plant some flowers."
"What kind?"
"She didn't tell me."

I waved goodbye to Shiemi and started to walk to the school. When I got there, Akira was helping a kid clean up.
"I'm back."
"Thanks. Could you help Tomioka?"
I walked over to Tomioka and smiled gently.
"Do you need help with cleaning this up?"
He nodded his shyly.
I kneeled down and started to clean up the mess Tomioka made.

Next day
She turned around and walked towards me.
"Where's Shiemi?"
"She's going to come in 5 minutes."
"Okay, did you get the flowers?"
"You didn't tell me which kind, so I bought roses."
"Roses are a good choice."
I handed her the seeds and walked out.
"See you tomorrow."
She nodded her head and I went in my car. 'I'm going to be so late.' I started to drive and after a few minutes a teenage boy suddenly parkour on my car. I stop my car abruptly and looked out my window.
"Hey! Be carful!"
The kid just ran away not caring one bit. 'Ugh, kids.' I started to drive back to the school again.

Becoming a Hashira(Demon Slayer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now