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We were able to make it to the village. We looked around. Akira gave Shiemi to me to carry.
"Th-there's so many people here." Shiemi hid herself behind me. I nodded my head and saw Akira talking to people. "Where is he going?" I held onto Shiemi tight and followed Akira. 'Where is he going?' He stopped in front of a female that seems to be our age.
"Excuse me miss. But do you know a place where we can stay?" She nodded her and told him to follow her.
"Wait up Akira!" He turned around and saw me. I ran up towards him and kicked him.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
"Don't leave us idiot!" He sigh and followed the female. I followed behind shortly after.

We got to the girls house and it was warm and safe.
"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Akane." I nodded my head we all introduced ourselves.
"Why are we staying here?"
"Staying here would be a better place. There's a place not far from here where you can stay, but the person who owns it isn't the best." We nodded our head and I laid Shiemi down.
"It's already night?" I yawned and laid on the floor.
"Wh-what are you doing?" I looked at Akane.
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" I looked at Akira and he pulled my ear. He whisper to me,
"We are going to sleep on a mattress idiot." I felt embarrassed and got up quickly. I started to apologize to Akane. She reassure me saying that it was alright.
"How old are you Akane?"
"I'm only 9"
"oh.. Well we're all 10" she stared at us.
"Your all a year older." I nodded my head.
"We all turned 10 this year."
"Really? I'm turning 10 this year." I smiled at her.

The next morning I saw Akane outside. She was washing clothes while singing. 'What a nice voice.' I stared at her and saw Akira walking to her. She stopped singing and turned to him smiling.
"Is there something you need Akira?" He shook his head.
"I just wanted to help you that's all."
"It's alright."
"No, you had let us stay here." She smiled. I looked around and noticed that there were no adults with her. 'Does she have guardians?' I walked to the room that Shiemi was in and saw that she was going through her book. I stared at her for a while then walked back out again.

I went to wash my old kimono. I was wearing a kimono that Akane had let me use. When I was done with washing it I went to dry it up. I then went into the kitchen to make something. I was able to make porridge. I waited until the lid of the pot started to shake a bit until I took it off and took the porridge. I put it in a wooden bowl and used a spoon to eat it with. I grabbed three more bowls and poured porridge in them. I left two on the table with spoons and brought one to Shiemi. *knock knock*
"C-come in." I open the door and put down the bowl in front of her.
"This is for you"
"th-thank you." I nodded my head and went back out. I closed the door gently and went in the kitchen to check if they had seen the porridge.
"Did you make this (Y/N)?" I nodded my head.
"Yeah, I made it. Does it taste good?" They both nodded their heads.
"Thank you (Y/N)" I looked towards the window.
"Maybe we should grab wood."
"Yeah, Akane you stay here and watch Shiemi. Is that okay?" She nodded her head.
"(Y/N), can you grab some berries instead of getting wood?" I nodded my but Akira decided to interrupt.
"She can grab wood. I'll get the berries."
"Um, okay." I then whispered to Akane,
"Akira is weak." She giggled and Akira pulled my cheeks. He then proceeded to drag me outside.
"W-wait!" We turned our heads and saw Shiemi.
"Wh-Where are you two going?" "Don't worry. There're just getting supplies." Akane had reassured Shiemi.

It took longer then we had thought. Chopping trees was hard and finding nonpoisonous berries was even harder.
"Do you think this berry is poisonous?" Akira held a berry in front of me.
"I don't know. Just grab a bunch of berries. We'll just asked Shiemi if they are poisonous." He nodded his head.
After a few hours it was getting darker.
"Akira, lets go back home." He nodded his head. I carried the logs and Akira carried some logs and the basket full of berries.
"I wonder if Shiemi is okay."
"Akane is taking care of her, I'm sure Shiemi is fine."
"True. But I can't help but worry." He sigh. "You worry too much (Y/N). This is Shiemi. She's pretty independent. We all are independent in a way." I nodded my head.
"But she's hurt. Her leg is broken. She can't walk." I could tell that if Akira could hit me he would.
"I want to hit you so bad right now."
"I know." I looked up to the sky and saw the sunset. I stopped walking to admire the beautiful scenery.
"Isn't it pretty?" Akira stopped as well and looked up.
"Yeah. It is. It's almost as pretty as Akane." I stared at him.
"You like Akane?!" He seemed to be surprised by my yelling.
"Wh-what? No! I don't!" I gave him a teasing smile.
"Akira has a crush" he stared at me blankly while blushing.
"I do not." I laughed at him.
"I'm just teasing."

When we made it back I saw that the whole village was in flames. "Wh-what? I-I-I...I don't understand....how...how did this happen?" 'Shiemi.' I started to run to the village.

Akira POV
I stared at (Y/N) running. Suddenly it hit me. What Akane said in the morning. She knew this was going to happen. She knew that this would happen.
(Flash back)
"You know Akira, this whole village is depressed. Everyone here wants to just be free from this whole mess." I stared at in confusion.
"What do you mean Akane."
"Someone in this village wants to set us all free. There's something you don't know, Akira." I stared at her. She started to sing again. Her voice was beautiful to listen to.
"You know Akane, everything seems to be more beautiful with your singing." She smiled at me.
"Thank you Akira."
(Flash back end)
I dropped everything and ran towards the village that was in flames. 'AKANE' I ran to her house and ran into the flames. I searched frantically for her.

I looked for Shiemi. 'Where is she?! Where are you Shiemi!' I could feel tears run down my cheeks. I wiped them away. Right now all that mattered to me was Shiemi. 'Where are you?' I was starting to hold back my tears. I stopped to catch my breath, but I didn't want too. I saw Akira come out of the house.
"Where's Shiemi?!"
"They aren't in the house!" I could hear the hurt in Akira's voice.
"Akane!" I heard Shiemi's voice yell from a distance. Both Akira and I started to run towards her voice.
"Over here!"

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