Chapter 1

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This is no time to freak out, I need to find some answers. So, I pushed through the pain in my head, and got off the bed.

The room I was in was awfully gaudy. There was something that looked like a diamond chandelier as well. Just who in the world would actually LIKE such decor?


Huh? That sounds like plates being broken.

Turning around I was met with a woman who looked like she might be a maid or something. I tried waving to her, but she just ran away and left me in this room alone.

As I heard her footsteps disappear into the distance, I went back to checking out the room.

When I noticed a mirror, I quickly walked over to it. The face I saw in it didn't even feel familiar to me. Does this face really belong to me? This hair that reminds one of the sun setting on the horizon. These eyes that are as red as a Ruby, and skin so fair it almost resembles newly fallen snow. There was only one word I could use to describe this face......beautiful.

"Sophia!" (Man)

Someone is shouting somebody's name it seems. Whoever was shouting, his voice was deep yet smooth and relaxing.

Turning around I spotted a man with pure black hair, Ruby red eyes like mine, and skin that was almost as fair as my own. Next to him was a woman that had the same sunset orange hair has I did, accompanied by emerald green eyes, and lightly tanned skin.

"Dear she's woken up!" (Woman)

I wonder who these people are...we have some similarities, so maybe we're related? I tried speaking again but, like before, nothing would come out. It seems I'm a mute. Was I always a mute, or did I used to be able to talk?

"Honey, why isn't she saying anything?" (Woman)

"I'm not sure, darling. Sophia? Are you alright?" (Man)

I wasn't sure how to get across the fact that I don't know who they are...who's Sophia? Is it me? Or perhaps they are confusing me with someone else? Either way I need to get it across that I don't know who they are.

So, I tilted my head slightly, trying to make it look like I'm confused.

"Something's wrong...SOMEONE GET THE DOCTOR!!!" (Man)

After the man screamed out like that, I felt a bit intimidated, so I crouched down and covered my head. Maybe he's angry? Did I do something wrong?

When I crouched down, shaking and cowering behind my arms, as if that would keep me safe from any harm.

I don't know what happened after that as I had zoned out until a new man appeared. This time it appeared to be a more elderly man this time, and he wore white coat.

"Hello lady Sophia. Could you please let me examine you?" (Old man)

His voice felt soothing, I slowly lowered my arms and allowed the man, that I assume to be the doctor, look me over.

However, it seemed a bit weird as the only thing he did was hover his hand over my head, before a glowing light appeared. I didn't know what it was so I ended up cowering behind my arms again.

"Hmmm...very peculiar." (Doctor)

"What's wrong Sergio?" (Woman)

"Lord Bracket, Madam appears the young mistress is suffering from amnesia, and her voice's irreparable...I don't believe she'll ever be able to speak again in her life." (Doctor -> Sergio)

"Oh God...." (Woman -> Lydia)

"There's nothing you can do?" (Man -> Bracket)

"I apologize Milord, but I'm not sure if even the royal healer would be able to help fix this. The only thing that can be done is to wait and see. I'll check on her condition regularly every week, but I can't promise anything will change. For now, we should just make sure she is comfortable." (Sergio)

"So not even magic can help..." (Bracket)

I don't understand...whats happening? Magic? Why am I here? What happened to me? Who are these people?

I had pushed myself into a corner of the room, trying to hide myself from these people I don't know. During this whole confrontation, I've been scanning the room to find a way to escape. However, my legs feel frozen in place.

I'm not sure how long I was cowering in the corner, but when I realized it...the room was silent.

Then, I felt someone touch my arm, and I flinched and tried to shrink myself down into a smaller ball.

"Sophia, it's ok....I'm your father, and this is your mother..." (Bracket)

They're my parents? So...they aren't going to hurt me then?

Slowly, I lift my head from behind my arms and looked up at the man before me. I looked at the Ruby eyes, and see genuine love behind them.

I don't remember these people, but right now I have no choice but to believe in them, and hope they are telling the truth.

" there anything we should watch out for?" (Lydia)

" big change to look out for is...her personality. The daughter you knew in the past, may not be the same one who woke up today. Then there's her voice. It's impossible for healing magic to do anything with how damaged her vocal cords are...however, I believe it may be possible for her to recover to some extent, if she is able to form a pact with a familiar...depending on the familiar." (Sergio)

"I see...the familiar will be difficult, since we can't force something like that to happen. We just have to wait and see if she's chosen." (Lydia)

"For now, the best way for her to communicate may be to either learn sign language, or to write everything. However, if she learns sign language, then you'll also have to learn so you can understand her." (Sergio)

"Thank you for your help doctor. We'd like some time to comfort our daughter right now." (Lydia)

"Very well Madam. I'll be doing weekly check-ups on her condition, but for now I'll be checking her for the next couple days to make sure she is stable." (Sergio)

By this time, I've calmed down a bit. The man that says he's my father, has been comforting me as best he could, but deep down I'm still scared. At least I was able to learn that my name is Sophia.

Hopefully my recover goes well and.ill start remembering things, but for now I'll most likely spend most of my time in a library trying to learn about whatever I can.

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