Chapter 3

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At the moment, I am sitting in my father's office while he is doing paperwork. I was curious about what kind of work he would do, but I'm kind of bored right now. I know I can't talk right now, but it would be kind of nice if he said something every now and then. Well, at least his familiar keeps me company.

Father has an animal-type familiar from the dog variety. He calls it Crystal...not very creative since it's species is called a Crystalline Wolf. Mother's familiar is similar to father's, except it's a feline instead of a wolf.

I wonder when I'll get a familiar...I hope it's soon, I'd like to spend time with someone I can get along with.

Apparently I also have a brother, but I have yet to meet him...perhaps he doesn't like me? I hope I can fix our relationship someday before it's too late.

*Knock Knock*

"It's me sir." (???)

"Enter." (Father)

I was curious who this person was, and when I looked at the door to the office, in walked a tall and handsome man. He also had glasses and gave off this air that he was a hard worker like my father.

"Good day sir...There's more- huh? Who's this young lady?" (???)

"Theo, this is my daughter Sophia. She is still recovering from her incident, but she wanted to come and see what I do at work. Although, I think it might be kind of boring to her." (Father)

"Ohh, well it's a pleasure to meet you lady Sophia." (??? -> Theo)

I got off of the chair I was sitting on and curtseyed before him. Although it was kind of hard to do while wearing my jeans. We're waiting for my new clothes to be delivered, and the only pants I had in the closet were skinny jeans. Why do I have new clothes being delivered? old clothes are a bit......too much. I did keep a couple of dresses, and a few hair accessories, though that I thought were cute and complimented me.

"Also, forgot to mention...she's been rendered mute from the accident, so she is unable to speak at the moment." (Father)

"Mute? Oh my that must be there anything else that I should know about? Just in case." (Theo)

"Well, she has amnesia...didn't even remember her mother and I... we're hoping that her condition will improve if she is able to acquire a familiar." (Father)

"I see...I hope the young lady will be able to contract one soon." (Theo)

"Thank you." (Father)

I walked up to my father and tugged on the side of his shirt.

"Hm? What is it princess?" (Father)

I wrote down on a notepad that I'd like to go explore the castle a little bit, and showed it to him.

"Hmmm...Theo." (Father)

"Yes sir?" (Theo)

"Do you think you could show my daughter a round a bit? She enjoys books so maybe take her to the library." (Father)

"Understood. I can also ask one of the servants to attend to her if she gets hungry." (Theo)

Like that, I was guided out of my father's office, and walked in silence with his assistant as he explained to me about certain rooms we passed by.

However, I feel like he was forcing himself to be I need to buy another apology gift? No...I don't think a gift will fix things with how hostile his aura feels. Seriously, just what kind of person was I before I lost my memory? I don't ever want to meet my past self if so many people disliked me this much.

For the rest of the walk I was looking at the floor, depressed and disappointed in myself. Thankfully we didn't have to walk together for long as we arrived at the library quickly.

"This is the library, I'll have a maid here with some tea shortly. If you'll excuse me I need to return to my work." (Theo)

I vowed towards Theo, trying to show him that I was thankful for guiding me around.

After he left, I went through the books in the library and pulled out any book that talked about magic, and familiars. I wanted to learn everything as quickly as possible.

However, I wasn't just picking these books. I also picked books that talked about the kingdoms history, as well as a book on mathematics.

Too be honest I was so absorbed in my reading that I didn't realize that the tea never showed up, so when it was time to go home with my father I asked if we could stop by somewhere to get something to drink.

"Something to drink? I thought you were given tea while you read in the library." (Father)

He was driving the vehicle, so I can't really write it down and have him read so I crossed my arms and shook my head. This way he could understand that not only did I not have tea, but no one showed up at all.

I know I get absorbed in my reading, but I still would have noticed if someone showed up.

"I see...the next time you accompany me to work, I'll personally have a talk with someone about how they disobeyed my order to take care of my daughter when she is in the library. Anyhow, did you read anything you found interesting?" (Father)

I didn't know how I would act out the fact that I enjoyed the books on magic and familiars, so I just wrote in big words the types of books I read. Without going into detail about them, of course, since he's still driving. Also, I'm not sure what the name of the vehicle is, but it's apparently a top-of-the-line type of car.

The drive home was quiet, which made me feel awkward since I couldn't speak to him, or write to tell him something that was on my mind. Although it's not all bad, with the silence between us, I've been able to work on circulating my mana like the books told me to.

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