9. Coming out

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  Peter found his way to Tony's lab, keeping his head low and his mouth shut.

"Hey, kid," Tony greeted him. "I need a hand over here."

Peter set his backpack on his chair and walked over to his mentor.

"Here, hold this right there," he said, showing Peter as he held down a loose cable. Peter did as he was told and held his index finger over it. Tony worked around Peter's finger and thanked him.

"You ok? You're much quieter," he said, watching as Peter walked over to his desk.

"Yeah," Peter mumbled in return, once again lowering his head and hunching over his homework. Tony sighed and turned back to his work, not wanting to push the subject any further.

As they worked separately, Tony tried starting a conversation but Peter would barely reply. He worked quietly, unlike every other day when he would start talking about anything and everything while bopping his head to the beat of the music he would listen to.

Tony wanted to ask what was wrong but he didn't want to seem pushy, so he kept quiet and hoped the teenager would tell him in his own time.

-Time skip to two hours later-

"Can I leave early today?" Peter asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence growing between them. Tony furrowed his eyebrows and turned in his stool to look at the kid.

"Sure, kid... You feeling ok?" He asked wearily.

"Yeah, just tired."

Peter quickly started putting his things away and headed for the door.

"Wait, Pete."

Peter turned, confusion plastered on his face.

"What's going on?" Tony asked. Peter looked down, his hands deep in his pockets. "Is there something you wanna get off your chest, bud?"

Peter hesitated before nodding slowly and looking back up, his eyes glazed with tears. Tony stood up and walked over to a couch, patting the spot next to him. Peter sat down and clearly avoided eye contact.

"What's up, kiddo?"

Peter sighed before opening his mouth, only for him to close it again. He looked thoughtful, as if arranging his thoughts. He closed his eyes.

"I may or may not be bisexual, Mr. Stark but please don't take my suit or the internship, I still don't know yet I'm just really confused and everyone is so pretty but I still don't know so please don't be mad," he blurted out, his muscles tensing up.

Tony stared at the embarrassed kid next to him and sighed.

"That's what you wanted to tell me?"

Peter bit his lip and glanced up at him before nodding swiftly. Tony put an arm around Peter's small frame and chuckled.

"Why would I be mad? Pete, you know I'll accept you no matter what, right? Well, unless you're a murderer or you don't like AC/DC, but I couldn't care less if you're straight or bi or gay."

Peter sniffled and smiled softly.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark," he whispered, melting into the side hug.

"There's nothing to thank me for, and you know that if anyone has the audacity to tell you you're any less than what you are, I swear-"

"I know, I know," Peter interrupted with a small laugh. Tony smiled down at him and stood up.

"So, wanna go get a cheeseburger? I'm starving," he said, patting his stomach. Peter smiled goofily before standing up and walking out with his mentor.

* * *

  That day, Tony treated Peter and reminded him many times how much he meant to him and how brave he was for telling him.

They ate cheeseburgers and ice-cream and at the end of the day, Tony even surprised Peter with a bi flag to hang on his wall. Slowly, Peter's old self started reappearing. He started talking like he always would, and his bubbly personality spread to every person he interacted with.

Peter told Tony about how slightly offended he was when Star-Lord said that Thor wasn't that good looking and how all of the Avengers were just so pretty. Tony even told him how he had somewhat known due to the fact that one time Peter walked into a lamp-post while staring at a cute guy across the street who had taken his shirt off.

Tony had also realized that Peter had a crush on Harley, which was pretty obvious because he was always watching him with, quote; "googly eyes". Peter turned into a bright tomato as Tony laughed his ass off.

"Mr. Stark, you're embarrassing me!"


A/N: holy guacamole this is so short and bad and ugh. I know it isn't whump but i'm running out of whump ideas so help


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