Chapter Sixty-Four

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Hope POV-
The boys are now 14 months old. Both of them can now walk. Nicolas comes walking around the corner of the kitchen with Elijah and Josie trailing close behind. Both of the boys are only wearing diapers. I pick up Nicolas swinging him up into my arms. "What are you doing, Nico?" He grabs ahold of the collar of my shirt like he always does and begins to giggle. Elijah grabs ahold of my leg. Josie stops walking and puts her hand on her hip watching us. "Boys weren't ready to get dressed so they can go to their grandparents house." I look back down at Nicolas. "Don't you want to see your grandparents?" I reach down and ruffle Elijah's hair as he looks up at me too. "Come on Nico, Eli, let's go upstairs." I lift Elijah up so I am holding both of my boys. I stop next to Josie and kiss her before walking up the stairs, Josie right behind us.
We get the boys changed and fill a small suitcase with everything Alaric and Caroline could need. Today is Josie's 20th birthday. She wants to become a vampire tonight. Alaric and Caroline offered to take the boys for the long weekend so I can help Josie adjust. We grab the boys and load them into the car.
"Thank you again, Mom and Dad." Josie gives them each a hug. Caroline turns to me when Josie is hugging Alaric. "If you need anything, give me a call. Don't worry about the boys. They will be fine. Do you have enough blood bags?" I nod my head yes. "Thank you, Caroline. I'll give you a call tomorrow." Josie steps back from the door and grabs my hand as we walk towards the car.
Josie POV-
Hope drives us home then runs around the car to open my door for me. I unbuckle my seatbelt as Hope picks me up carrying me into the house. "Babe, what are you doing?" I can't help but giggle at how cute she is. "This is the first time you and I have had alone for a very long time without the boys." She leans down and kisses me before sitting down on the couch with me laid across her lap. "You going to tell me your plan for the day?" Hope shakes her head no.
"It's a surprise." I nuzzle my head into her shoulder and wrap my arms around her neck. "Oh come on, just tell me." I had told Hope I want her to turn me tonight. Both of us are happy with our family of four. I don't see the point in waiting any longer. I finally wore down Hope enough to agree. I look up at Hope with the biggest puppy dog eyes I can muster. "Fine, I figured we can go enjoy a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant then come back and movie night." I squint my eyes a bit, she left something out. "And oh yeah, you want me to turn you." I smile up at her. "Sounds perfect."
Hope looks down at me. "You can still back out of this Jo, we still have two more years." Hope runs her hand up and down my side holding me against her. "I'm already older than you now, that is all that matters." I lean up and press my lips against hers, hungrily. Hope pulls back after a minute. "Why do you care that you are older than me?" A smirk crosses my lips as Hope cocks her head at me waiting for my response. "It means I'm more mature and always right. More life experience." Hope stands up lifting me with her. "Hmm, why don't you come share some of this life experience with me?" She starts walking up the stairs carrying me into our room.
Hope POV-
Josie and I get back from the restaurant and change out of our clothes and into sweats. I turn on the tv in the living room waiting for Josie to come back downstairs. Eventually, I hear her coming. "Okay, Hope, let's do this." I look between the movie I just put on and Josie. "Come on, babe. Let's watch the movie first."
Josie walks over and sits down in my lap like earlier. "We could watch it after." She doesn't know what she is about to experience, the overstimulation and the blood lust. "Jo," I close my eyes and let out a sigh. "Okay, go get me a cup." Josie jumps up and grabs a cup from the kitchen handing it to me. I bite my hand and let the blood flow into the cup. I probably fill it 3/4 of the way before my hand heals. "I have to drink all of this?" Josie continues to look at the cup of blood before locking eyes with me. "If you want me to kill you, I want as much of my blood in you as possible." Josie takes the cup from me and begins to drink. "Fine."
Josie finishes the cup and sets it down on the side table next to us. "It's gone." She stands up and grabs my hand pulling me to my feet. "Jo, do you even realize how hard this is? I don't want to kill you. Look, you know I'll live. Come on, snap my neck." I step forward towards Josie egging her on. "Hope." Josie lifts her hands and places them on my waist. "There is no reason for me to." We stand there for a second. "See, you won't do it. This is hard, babe." Josie nods her head. "Okay, I get it. But Hope, I want our eternity. This is how we get it. You only have to do it once." Her eyes are pleading with me. I lean forward closing the distance between us and kiss her. "I love you." Josie smiles as I place my hands against the sides of her head. "I love you, too." Then I feel it in my neck as I snap Josie's.

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