Chapter 7

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Your pulse throbbed in your wrist as you stared at Charlie. There was just a look of pure disappointment on her face when Alastor and you came back from your little venture. You were almost lethargic from what you did get out of it. Charlie tapped a finger on her arm as Vaggie voiced the words that made the air heavy. "You did not," she growled out, "Just kill off an entire street for shits and giggles."

You went to say something, stopping and feeling your face heat up when Alastor spoke up instead, "My walks never bothered you before, my dear."

"Walks? If it was just a walk then why is it on the news? And why did you take (Y/N)? She didn't have to go with you," Vaggie snapped. Her tongue rolled as she muttered something under her breath, her hair becoming frazzled.

"My dear, she needed to come along," Alastor chuckled. Charlie quietly watched you as you hugged your arms to your chest. You gave a small yawn, covering your mouth as you slowly looked at her.

"Why," was all she asked. You stared and felt tears at the corners of your eyes. Vaggie made it clear this sort of thing wasn't allowed. Her yelling was like being scolded by a teacher. Charlie was a different matter altogether. The air around her didn't just feel tense, you could feel the disappointment, taste the disdain as she walked up to you. Alastor was still talking to Vaggie, giving Charlie the chance to ask you herself.

You shifted, looking down, "I was- I almost hurt Angel I got so hungry." She stared for a bit and made you look up to her by lifting your chin, her gaze looking into yours.

"You eat all the time, how were you hungry," the confusion pulled her lips down with its gravity. You looked away, staring at Alastor's figure before making eye contact again.

"I eat hearts," you muttered. "Alastor-our contract was based on that when I was-I didn't like it, I just-" The words didn't come out right and you felt the tears start coming from your eyes and go down your cheeks. She blinked a bit, flinching back when you hiccuped and rubbed your eyes. "It worked. It kept me, me. I didn't like it but it all stopped. I didn't-I couldn't do it myself." Alastor looked over, his smile straining as it widened.

His hand was over your shoulder and you were pulled into his side, "Charlie! I didn't think you had it in you!" The hum of the static felt like it caressed at your heart if you still had one.

"If anything, Alastor, you're the one that made her cry," Vaggie snapped. Charlie stared at you for a moment longer before straightening up and puffing her chest out. She looked up to Alastor who quietly smirked down at her.

"How did she get down here, Alastor," Charlie asked bluntly. The air turned sour, the innocent-looking woman's fists balling as her eyes bore into the deer's.

"We were simply celebrating," Alastor hummed. "A festive occasion of her graduating school!"

"She's younger than you by decades, Alastor," Charlie stepped forward and pulled you to her. You looked back at Alastor with a bit of panic, taking a deep breath and holding it in.

"Well, humans are quite gifted, princess. Excuse me for answering a summons," the room darkened as his figure slowly crept upwards, the silhouette changing to the one you knew before you came to hell. Charlie's hand tightened over you and Vaggie raised her spear. Alastor held his hand out to you, his smile tense and forced, holding what felt like all the malice in the world. "Darling, I think it's time you went to bed, don't you?"

You stared at his hand and then at Charlie, patting her shoulder and looking down, "He's not bad." Those words caught the two girls off guard as you took his hand and moved closer to him. It seemed to have calmed him down, his figure slowly going back to the weaker looking version of him. Alastor adjusted your hand so that it was in his arm, leading you to the elevator and opening it. The smile on his face was still tense and his eyes narrowed at the two women as the doors closed you off from them.

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