Chapter 13 -- The Man In My Dreams

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Lucy's Pov


I don't really know why did I said the name. Who is he? All I know was . . .

I honestly have no idea. What's happening to me?

"You—you are—!" Gray stuttered, he looked like he was seeing a ghost.

"Zeref!" A girl says. She was floating, and she glared down at "Zeref"

"First master!" Said Gray.

"Leave, Zeref,"

"I know, Mavis, this is your territory. I will not interfere with what is yours. I'm just checking if she is just fine." He says, as he glanced up unto me.

Mavis, the first master, was taken aback.

"Lucy? Why her?" She asks, "Zeref why . . ."

"Who—?" I said as I frowned at them.

"Why did I say your name? Why do I keep saying your name countless times?" I ask the man in black, whom named Zeref, I think. He narrowed his dark, hooded eyes as he gave me a warm smile.

"Lucy," He says, "I . . ."

And then, suddenly, as if there was a quick motion—making everything pause. Gray froze, and so is the first master, and so is everything.

"I stopped the time," He said and he smiled, as he came closer unto me. He caressed my cheeks, making me flinch in response. My reaction quickly made his eyes widen a smidgen, as he scooted closer.

What he did made me stop. He wrapped his arms over me, as he hugged me tight.

"I love you." He says, "I love you, Lucy."

I frowned, and then I pushed him, but he looked like he was expecting it.

"S-sorry." He said and he smiled bitterly, as he separated from the embrace.

"I . . . I don't remember anything about you."

"Huh?" He scowled in confusion.

"I don't remember anything . . . anything about this guild, and myself." I said. I have no idea why he hugged me, nor why he said he loves me. I don't understand any single thing.

"But I felt that we have met before . . ." I said, in a matter of factly. His eyes enlightened up and he hugged me tight, again.

"There's a smidgen—a fragment of you that still remember me." He said, as he looked at me intently. I did it equally, as if I was trying to search for answers beneath those eyes.

"I love you, Lucy." He said and I was lost for words. Lost in his eyes, I couldn't think straight.

"But Lucy, please forgive me for this." He says, as I felt my vision getting blurry all of a sudden. "Please . . ."

. . .

"Look at the sky, Lucy."

He held my hand. I just stared at the clear, blue sky while lying in a grassy field. Where am I? Am I in asphodel?

"It's beautiful, isn't it? But once it darkens, everybody would hate it, loathe it, and hide from it. But it's the same sky, the same one that they adore. That's what's confusing, they only like t when it is in glee, when it is happy, but hate it when it is shedding tears . . . such hypocrisy." The man says. I don't know who he is. But we sat, and embraced each other.

I separated from the hug, to see him fading, to see blood all over the place, blood in my hands.

"You can't have her!" The voice was familiar, yet I do not know who it was.


I opened my eyes slowly, there was no absolute noise, no anything, but a large white ceiling on top of me.

Where is this place?

I quickly examined the place. There was no soul there, no anything, just materials, beds and all . . . is this the infirmary? It looked different from before.

"Hey?" It was a pink-haired guy, wearing his usual scarf.

"Natsu?" I said.

"Do you know me?" He asked with full surprise, "That's odd."

"Is there any reason for me not to know you?" I asked.

"Yeah. But who in the world are you?" He asks, as he looked at my hand, more likely where my guild mark is. "I get it now." He says, as he grinned.

I looked at my hand. My heart slammed against my chest and I was lost with words. The Fairytail emblem that was supposed to be there was gone. And what's rather unexpected is, an emblem was not gone, rather, it was replaced.

"Sabertooth . . . ?"

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