It Rained on Paper cranes-info

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Title: Information


I sighed, it was hard enough to get the youngest ready (which was Yumi) but now she had to deal with Sai, who was throwing a sissy fit about the outfit they were supposed to wear. I couldn't blame her, but it was protocol and we couldn't exactly say 'No' to the council. The council is a group of 'Special' people that got together and made a organization for supernatural people, but to be honest, It was just a government funded research center.


The Council is made up of Ten Heads, these five people head each faction of the organization, Each rank decided by how rare and powerful the people in the group are.

The lowest rank is Headed by Alex Gowther, Rank Ten, He heads the Undetermined Faction, which is where most of the people go before their abilities of determined in a test that happens every year. This faction is also the largest faction since most aren't allowed to take the test for multiple years.

The Ninth Head is nicknamed Nine, since nobody knows his real name, His rank is also Rank Nine. He heads the Knights Faction, which is where people who mainly focus on weapons go, its also a fairly big Faction. They can create and summon all types of weapons and can even create Magic based shields and weapons.

The Eighth Head, Rank Eight, Heads the Ardent Faction, that's the Faction full of people who work with the mind, like Mind Control, Illusions, Teleportation, and things like Telepathy. It also focus' on Psychics and mind related powers. It's gotten quite big over the years.

The Seventh Head, Rank Seven, Heads the Restoring Faction, it's a Faction full of people who can heal or restore broken things, weather physical or mental, like bones, Buildings, or even memories. This Faction is actually quite small and rare, but have very little power and tend to die in battle as many of the people can't heal themselves and are limited to one per team.

The Sixth Head, Rank Six, Heads the Spiritual Faction, The Faction is made up of people who can call on spirits, Summon spirits, Leave their body, and dis-spell evil ghosts, demons, and spirits. Their a bit bigger than the Restoring Faction, but also lack power, since their ability's usually take time to complete they'll often die. But if they finish they can be extremely helpful.

The Fifth Head, Rank Five, Heads the Physical Faction, A faction of people who can enhance their own, and others, physical qualities, like Steel Skin, extra energy, More physical power, and of they master it enough it's said they increase their Aura. They can also increase objects endurance and strength. This may seem like a common power, and it is, it's just way harder to get the hang of than other Factions, many people like to try and Master it, so they study only that power and end up in this Faction

The Fourth Head, Rank Four, Heads the Elemental Faction, A faction of people who can control and use the elements, which are Light, Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Lightening, Plants, Metal, and Earth. Each person can only control one element, and the element they are given is based on their Aura and Magic type. This Faction is around medium size, not really big or small.

The Third Head, Rank Three, Heads the Dimensional Faction, A Faction of people who deal with Time, Dimensions, Pocket dimensions, Create pocket worlds, and other Timelines, there is also people who have Anti-dimensional abilities. This Faction literally only has two people in it, other than the Head, and are only used on Special missions and confidential operations.

The Second Head is Hana Furuya, Rank Two, Heads the Unknown Faction, A faction of people who have abilities that don't fit in any Faction, like controlling blood, the ability to write in the air, Create things, Make art real, Predict the future, the ability to be just like a game character, Read super fast, Super speed, Anti-Magic, Sound wave control, and other random powers.

The First Head, Rank One, Heads the Multi Faction, A faction full of extremely rare people who have the capacity to hold more than one power, since 99.8% of the population can only have one power. It has Ten members, and extremely sought after for teams and friend groups.

The Organizations biggest enemy, among the many gangs and groups, Is a Group called 'Angels.' They lead all sorts of attacks and raids on the Organization, cities, and towns. Their goal is the create an empire were they rule, "for the good of the World and it's People" is their motto.


Faction- A group which is lead by a Head from the Council, Mainly consists of closely related powers and abilities.

Head- A person who is Ranked and placed as a Head by majority vote from the Council, They are voted the best fit for a Rank, they are often the most powerful in a Faction.

Rank- Each faction has Ten Rankers, people who are the most powerful(going up from ten) and the person ranked as number One out of the Ten Rankers is named a Head and given a Head Rank.

Head Rank- A Rank especially given to someone voted as a new Head.

Abilities- Things that grant supernatural powers to people who study it or are born with it.

Magic- Is what makes up the abilities

Teams- A group of people from different Factions who have agreed to be in a group, while following their Factions team guidelines.

Team Guidelines- these are rules that can differ for each Faction, they specify how many of each Faction can be in a Team.

Solo's- People who refuse to be in a Team and prefer to work alone, these are mostly Rankers or people who are significantly powerful.

Rankers- People who are apart of the top Ten in their Faction(other than the Head)


Faction Guidelines for each Faction:

Undetermined Faction- There is no limit

Knights Faction- Only Three allowed per Team

Ardent Faction- Only Two allowed per Team

Restoring Faction- Only One allowed per Team

Spiritual Faction- No limit

Physical Faction- No limit

Elemental faction- Limit of Two per Team

Dimensional faction- Limit of One per team

Unknown faction- Limit of Three per Team

Multi Faction- no limit

World's Geography:

The World consists of two dimensions that can be entered freely if one knows how to get from one dimension to another.

The first dimension if the one where people who have no special abilities mainly reside, This Dimension is called The Perishable Dimension. as it might be the most used, it is also the Dimension that has the greatest chance of destruction.

The second Dimension is where The Organizations headquarters are located, it is also the exact opposite of the Perishable Dimension. It's laws of physics are fundamentally different, so magical creatures and other questionable animals are on almost every street you come across. The Dimensions name is The Sempiternal Dimension.

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