Lost Again(Book 1)

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Title: When skeletons went into the closet

It was a normal day, normal in the way that the same scenario played out over and over again. Normal in the way that he watched the universe crumble from the originals palace.

Sans P.O.V

I had made a mistake, I let him win, I let the destroyer take my universes code, and destroy it. This place had so may Au's to hold together. But i let him win. So i'm watching the multiverse crumble, MY multiverse.

Error sans P.O.V

Of course he didn't fucking mean to, he yelled at the voices whispering in the back of his mind. But it was the same fucking thing every fucking time the multiverse restarted. He would start his job, and destroy, but there would be an infection in a Au. So he'd try and stop it's spread, it only got worse, so he would destroy everything by destroying the Original's Au. It never did work. He thought, as he watched through his one-way portals spread around him. He balanced unsteadily on his strings, he was numb to this now. it had already happened enough.

Though, I suppose he didn't expect a huge fucking portal to open up, but that's for later. Now, he had other things to worry about.

Like the fact the the Original Au was in the process of being destroyed and the other very important fact, the Original wad trying to kill himself. And to the destroyer this was odd, never, in any timeline, did the Original ever try and kill himself. He would mostly try to save his multiverse....not........whatever he was currently doing.

So, being the curious little bitch he was, he went and watched the Sans. He watched the Sans trudge through thick glitches snow and half-dead monsters to gather the materials for the thin he was making. Error liked to assume it was to kill himself, though, what Error didn't like was admitting that he might be completely wrong. So instead, he observed it in quiet distaste.

He didn't like the Original.

He hasn't liked the Original since he had interrupted some very personal alone time......while he was crying. And it was going to stay like that.

So, like the Fucking Bitch he FUCKING was, he played some tricks on the Original. More like, he tortured the Original with images of his brother dying or watching his family(the monsters) crumble into nothing as it reset. Things like that.

And to Error, it was hilarious to watch.

Not that Error was evil in any way, he just......liked the facial expressions......and maybe a bit of the pained reactions he would get. But not all of them!

And so, he played his game, waiting for the multiverse to end so he could start this whole thing over, it would be like an other day to him. And he thought it would stay that way until he threw himself of the cliff in Outertale. Which he doubted would ever fucking happen on purpose. But hey, you never know what the Sanses will do.

He laughed to himself silently. Violently pulling at his wounds, not that he ever noticed. Plus, they were the same wounds he's had for a millennia, and he doubted they would ever get properly healed.

Seeing as Ink himself was having the same problems after their fights. And trust me, their fights were brutal. And it only made sense that would both go through the pain, Ink being the better out of the two at pretending everything was fine.

But that was never the point.

And would never be the point at this time. Ink was already dead by now.

And so, he thought, another day of chaos incarnate. And it would be the best.

Sans P.O.V

This FUCKING bastard is going to be MURDERED if I get my hands on him threw this mess of code. And Sans meant it. He always means it.

He knew exactly who was causing all of his hallucinations, and it was beginning to get annoying. Not that he totally didn't have the nagging feeling of annoyance in the back of his head while he was drowning in sorrow. Totally wasn't.

And that was the only thought on his mind until the ground below him no longer existed.

He was falling.

Right next to that BITCH.

And of course he didn't realize that Error was panicking about the portal, and not about him. But FUCK his mind. He was full on murderous when he realized that this portal wasn't Error's usual portal.

And so, he smacked his face on the ground of the unknown world, just as Error landed right on top of him. Breaking at least two of his ribs. Painful, simply painful.

And Error went off.

And a rather long string of curses that I would rather not say, were said. And it was only then that Sans had realized that his stat window wasn't coming up, so he felt for his code, but that was non-existent.

He panicked like a child, literally trapped on the ground.

His code was non-existent, he shouldn't exist. But the world's code wasn't there either, they all shouldn't be existing, but here they were. In all their glory.

And that's when it dawned on them, they were stuck in a place, with each other, while flying islands were floating above, and they had absolutely no code here.

They were doomed.

And I mean DOOMED.

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