Lost Again(Book 1)

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Title: When your alone, you think?

It was after, After everything. After he killed his friend at his request. After he had.......had......he couldn't think. and HE couldn't watch him suffer, so he left to find a way out of this mess.

Suzaku's P.O.V

I couldn't be there, in the same place as Lelouch had died. I felt bile rise up to my throat, a internal scream echoing in my head. He was my friend.

A friend. And I killed him.

He didn't think about it much longer, he had to focus on being Zero at the moment, performing the well known theatrics as he pretended. He held a sob back. Even if tears pricked at his eyes.

So he moved on. He joined the special guard for Lelouch's sister. Feeling forever guilty for his murder.

And it was sad, even as Britannia celebrated, the capital was full of gloom. Since the new Emperor had requested a funeral for her Brother. Barely anybody actually came though.

But it was enough.

The people who did come were people who cared about him and had figured out the truth of Lelouch's murder.

The murder that made Zero a hero.

And in turn, himself became infamous.

What a dirty Japanese he was, he berated himself for thinking such thoughts so early in the morning that day. So, he managed to pull himself out of bed and get dressed, decide to take a bath later in the day. After his daily visit to the royal cemetery that was pushed into a secluded garden in the back of the capital.

It was beautiful, but sad. He visited Lelouch's and Euphie's grave whenever he could.

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