It Rained on Paper cranes-Ch1

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Title: Ch1


For the people who are gifted in this world, there is a chain of schools that have settled all over the world, they take the children and give them dorms, teach them how to use their powers, and send them off the The Organization. This system, for every grade level, has been used as a system to protect them and make sure they do not become like the 'Angels' or join a gang. Though, they obviously cant control all of them.

And in somewhere in quite a big city their sat one of the greatest High Schools, the Manjushage school district, the three Suzumiya sisters, also known as The Emotions, have enrolled.

Today, on a Monday, they start their school lives as Freshman.


Now, these triplets look almost exactly alike except for some pretty noticeable differences, the hair, eyes, and height.

Kouki Suzumiya, the oldest, had brown hair that went down to just below her but and black eyes that had no shine, like a bottomless pit, she is the leader of The Emotions and was nicknamed 'Pain' by the Organization. She is Fifteen years old, and is is placed in the Multi Faction.

Sai Suzumiya, the second oldest, had brown hair that only reached her mid back and red eyes that seemed to always glare, but we're alive. She is nicknamed 'Anger' as a official placement in their Team. She is Fourteen and a half, and is placed in the Elemental Faction.

Yumi Suzumiya, the youngest, had brown hair that reached just below her chin and beautiful sky blue eyes that shined with emotion. She is nicknamed 'Joy' and is the last member to join The Emotions. She has just turned Fourteen and is placed in the Multi Faction.

Together they make the a well known Team called 'The Emotions' as i have mentioned multiple times. They are one of the youngest Teams to ever exist, as most have already finished High School or are about two finish it. And because of this fame, they are constantly followed by reporters and hit with many attempts to destroy them. Such as Assassins and duels. And now they were there, completely oblivious to The Organizations shady attempts to keep them safe......and well monitored.

Of course the oldest had already noticed these things, unlike her sisters, but to preserve their happiness, she refrained from telling them of the spy's and Organization staff.

For the happiness of her sister's, she will do anything. This is something she has told herself many times before, it's a phrase she grew up with and had lived by. For her sister's she will stay out of their way and make sure they live the greatest Childhood they can. She is nothing more than a tool to their happiness, she tells herself.

As they do not have parents, one would assume that this ideology has come from her standing as parent of the household.

That is why she took the test early, though, she didn't think her sister's would follow her their, but the closer she is, the faster she can protect them. Her ideology was absolute, and no one would change it. It was her resolve.

So she spent her days becoming the best role-model for her sisters.

Volunteering at shelters and company's looking to better the world, studying and getting the best grades, teaching her sisters how important kindness is, hiding her own flaws and mistakes, and covering up her overflowing feeling and emotions.

She had become the best for her sister's, and told them just that whenever they would ask why she worked so hard.

She even recommended them for personal training with the Rankers of their Faction.

Of course, she hid her flaws and specifically instructed that with her sisters, others will try their best to not make her sister's unhappy.

Some called her sis-con, or overprotective. She knew she was but....she had to protect them, or the world's poison would get to them. And she did not want to watch them break apart when she was helpless. It would be to painful for her.....and them.

So when they stepped onto the campus for the first time, after getting their dorms unpacked, she was nervous. She didn't show it, it would make her seem weak to her sisters, but she was. She was nervous because this was a new school, new people, people who could poison her family. She was nervous because of The Organization and the constant recognition of fame they had. She didn't like it at all, the uncertainty and danger, it made her tense.

She watched the stares as they walked through the Gothic halls, whispering and glances thrown every few seconds.

She watched her sister's fumble around at the attention, each with different reactions, one was flustered, the other glaring at them. Amusement would have flashed through her, if she hadn't locked away most of her emotions potency.

At this point, she thought quietly, she could barely feel emotions, at least she still cared for her sister's. She was glad for that, well, as glad as she could be.

To be honest she couldn't remember the last time she got mad, she supposes it was for her sister's sake. Mainly just because they try all sorts of things to get her to stop 'Coddling' them, as they like to put it.

She was happy with the current arrangement, and she knew she would do anything to keep it this way.

And she was extremely happy that not a person had come up to them to talk, no danger, for now.

In her spare time, which was very little, she spent her time spreading rumors about herself, telling people that she would not tolerate people talking to her sister's and if they told them she would personally murder them. She was proud of that accomplishment, even people told her she was insane. she didn't mind.


It had started to rain during class, making enough of a distraction to ignore the teachers introduction speech for today. She had ended up being in a different class then her sister's, and it was annoying.

She was shacking from the anger, that class they were in was going to poison them, and she could do nothing about it. She almost left the room to go to the principles office when people started to say their own introductions to the class.

She almost did it. But it was her turn already, curse being in the second row.

She noticed the agitated stares as she stood up, the silence was deafening. Until a boy with Dark brown, almost black, hair and glowing golden eyes spoke up and said...

"I'm Sora Yamamoto, who are you?"

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