Lost Again(Book 1)-Prologue

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Title: Prologue: Many Hearts

I'm not sure which house or life you live in, but I am sure that you have never heard of a story like this. so go on, it's a story for a reason.

There are a lot of things these skeletons were ready for, Just not this. They were ready for killing and sacrifices, Just not floating islands and other people. Undertale.

He wasn't ready, not ever ready, he had just killed his friend, so who would be? nobody else was with him, but he ended up in a situation full of others, or did he really come here alone? I doubt it. Code Geass.

They were only supposed to be gone for a few days, there job was easy, but two of them went missing, and those two woke up somewhere unimaginable. Fairy Tail.

The heroes were supposed to come, they were supposed to foresee this, but the three ended up in the world anyway. They were at a loss of what to do. My Hero Academia.

She didn't plan to be swept up into the portal, with the demon, but it was her fate. she doesn't know anyone and her family is nowhere to be seen. Gravity Falls.

He had just lefts his Aunts, His phone stopped working, he was to late to react. Unsurprisingly, he breaks down slowly. Spiderman.



Tower of god.

The list would go on but.......

She didn't mean to, she was doing her job, but her anger and insanity got the better of her. She didn't mean to, she'll fix it, with or without her Sister or Demon.

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