Glitches are forever-ch3

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Title: ch3: Not Fate, Not Destiny

Error's p.o.v


That was the name, the name seemed to glow in front of his eyesockets before fading away. Near Destiny was a unconscious Ink, but Ink seemed to be slightly translucent, like a spirit. He hesitantly stepped forward, the figure of magic-Destiny, whipped it's head in his direction, obviously not expecting anyone.
It was a awkward few seconds before he finally spoke "Hello Destiny" even when he did speak it was more of a forced thing, he didn't know anything about Destiny.
She/he/they looked at him for a bit longer before sighing and turning away "my dear child, I was supposed to save you.." she seemed to be crying a little bit "but I was stuck in FATE's chains" I glanced at the chains, new found understanding in what happened.
I walked closer to Destiny and over to Ink, slightly confused on why he was just laying there, so I looked over to Destiny "Destiny, why is Ink here?" She seemed slightly surprised by my politeness "Ink.....Ink is here becuase he is in a Coma, in the multiverse" I  nod before thinking of the Au's i didnt get to destroy, panicking at the thought of them collapsing.
But I knew I couldn't do anything to stop it, and maybe....just maybe it was something the others needed, as a wake up call. That thought was shattered as soon as it came when Destiny decided to mention something "Error, my dearest child, one of us has fallen, They have one into a state were they are emotionless, I'm not sure if this multiverse can be saved anymore"
I froze.
It couldn't be saved? But Why? Did FATE really fuck up the multiverse that bad!?
"Dear child, I do believe that there is a way to save the multiverse" he swung his head from the floor, staring at the figure with a new-found interest "you must find a Deity who has the appearance of a young girl, she will most likely be able to help you" Destiny sighed "I can not go with you or lead you there, as I am stuck in FATES chains, but I will give you instructions and a partner who will help you on your 'quest'" he nodded, taking not of the sarcasm Destiny used when saying 'quest.'
Error decided to speak
"So who has to come with me, I hope it isn't a idiot" he let a bit of his personality out while asking the question. Destiny turned to the unconscious Ink "Ink will come with you as soon as he has gained consciousness" he silently groaned, this would be the most annoying thing he has ever had to do.


Confusion's p.o.v

We don't know how long we cried, do we readers?
I couldn't feel my magic, I couldn't hold my emotions back or block them off, we all just cried. I couldn't save this multiverse and that's all that mattered. I couldn't save it for Destiny.

I couldn't tell them...

Nightmare's p.o.v

That stupid idiot killed himself! He knew full well that he had a family, that he had a life with us!
I could feel Blue crying to, his tears making my shirt wet. It just made it more of a reality slap, that Error really is gone.

Blue's p.o.v

I didn't think Error would break out promise! He said he wouldn't! B-but he did!! That stupid stupid idiot!!
I felt Nightmare trembling under my hug, I could see out of the corner of my eyesockets, Dream staring at us confused and the rest-Confusion, Overwrite, and Crimson-either crying or silently holding in their tears.
It was the biggest reality slap anyone could ever have

Dream's p.o.v

I felt.....betrayed? Hurt, and angry. I couldn't understand how Ink, my best friend, could be who they said he was. It was impossible, yet possible.
I could hear the sniffles and sobs of those around me, the negative energy getting to me at some point, making me realize that these were not fake tears, and they probably would never be fake tears.
Even if I convinced myself they were lying.


Narrator's p.o.v

Destiny said it would help save the multiverse
Destiny said it was important
Destiny said it was new for the readers
But boy, Destiny did not say how annoying it would be when they set out wondering around the void-ish thing.
Error was getting a migraine already, and it had only been 5 minutes! The dang Squid would not stop talking. Oh, and you have no idea how many times he has changed the subject, it's like a hurricane of words from the guy.
And of course, Ink tried to kill him in those 5 minutes, but was stopped quickly when he noticed Destiny.
I ended up dragging him away before he could start yelling at her/him/them.

And so here we are now...
Walking around the void-ish thing looking for the girl, at least, "girl" is what Error was going to call it.
He didn't know how to find her, that's for sure. Destiny seriously needs to give better direction, he scoffed. Evidently alerting Ink that he made a sound, he grimaced, than yelled "ERROR! ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTIONS" Error flinched. His poor non-existent ears. He stayed quiet, he really didn't want to explain it, he was to lazy and very tired. He shook his head and settled on telling Ink anyway.
"Ink, you need to listen, and listen well or you won't fucking wake up" he knew that shut Ink up "you already know about the balance, in your own sickening way, but I bet you want to know about our current situation, it's not the best shit to be in though" his multicolored eyes met Ink's slightly insane ones "your currently a spirit of yourself, im not, which is why your partially see through. If your wondering where you body is, it's in a Coma, still in the multiverse though"..."we are looking for a Deity who takes the form of a young girl, she can help us make our way back to the multiverse, or, your little game board and wether you like it or not, out powers are currently taken away from us, it's the Codes punishment. So don't try and kill me, we are still immortal, but we don't have our old powers" a pause "we are just normal skeletons cuz the multiverse is trying, and failing, to adapt to our disappearances" Ink seemed stunned, insane, sad, angry and a whole lot of other emotions that he clearly had no control over, I mean, he didn't used to have a soul.
Ink was shaking
Ink threw up his now white magic
Real guilt filled Ink's white soul
Or at least, what part of his soul that was with him

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