The Watcher-Prologue

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Title: Prologue


It's not like she(he) had much to say on Humanity, they were, or course, interesting. But they only kept her(his) interest in the first thousand years or so. They were almost as interesting as the dinosaurs, she(he) liked to amuse herself(himself) with that fact.

Like animals, she(he) wanted to believe. She(he) wanted to believe that fact so so much, their constant repetitive schemes.

Sometimes she(he) would think back to the time when she(he) first found them, picking at survival and learning how the world worked. Back then it was easier to move on from them and find interest in the many other things that were happening in the universe. Though, we are to far into the story, shouldn't we start when she(he) was born? I think it would make more sense, wouldn't it?


It was the beginning of the universe, she(he) knew that, she(he) also knew that the Deity's had given her(him) life, and the fact that she(he) had no identity, therefore giving her(him) no gender, name, or origin.

Why or How she(he) had gotten on the planet were one of the few facts that she(he) did not know, her(his) only mission is to watch and observe the universe. And she(he) understood that.

Of course, she(he) can't be everywhere at one, well, she(he) could, but that would require a separation of her(his) mindset, putting her(his) physical form at risk. And seeing as she(he) does not want to damage the vessel that the Deity's had made, she(he) would resort to another method. That other method being that half of her(his) mental power be used to store and process the never ending information, and the other half focused on her(his) surroundings and her(his) physical actions.

She(he) much to any other opinion, could not predict the future, she(he) could only speculate and prepare to take as little damage as possible, even with Immortality she(he) still felt pain, though, that wasn't her(his) reason for avoiding damage, it was mostly because it was a vessel from her(his) 'Birth' at the beginning.

And so, that would bring us back to the present, in White-washed room, chained to a rather plain metal chair. With rather plain metal chains. In a rather plain room, With a white bed pushed against the right wall, with a sink and toilet across from it.

Though, she(he) didn't understand the use of having this stuff when she(he) obviously couldn't move from the center of the room. She also couldn't call herself gender less, or people would talk, and she didn't need that, so, in light of what people called her, she was going to go with the gender of being a girl.

Not that she would care either way.

So she resolved to focus on the events of the universe, not caring why she was there, it didn't really matter.

She began to wonder though, returning back to her self-conscious part of her mind, what would she look like with black hair? or like in the anime, with red eyes? She messed with her appearance, getting bored pretty quickly.

She eventually stopped, leaving it there, it didn't matter.

A blast from across the building sounded out, rattling the rather plain white lights in her room. She sighed, it was time to leave and continue to live a boring life, and fake identity.

She stood up, the chains falling to the ground when she changed her size. She stepped over the mess, dodging the growing cracks in her plain room. Pushing open the door, peering down the corridor for no particular reason. Using her quiet agility to walk around, she knew where the exit was, but it was satisfying in a way, looking at everything and touching it without it being some memory.

She wandered around a bit before deciding to leave, deeming the building too unstable to be in for much longer.

She was correct, it fell seconds after she had left.

Purposefully ignoring the small group of people pulling themselves from the rubble, she started towards her destination, which was a small coffee shop that was near her temporary home. But not before a guy, who she knew as Chiba Fukuyama, tugged on her sleeve.

She paused, looking up at the boy, noticing the fact that she had not reverted to her original size, she shrugged, that was not a problem. The current problem was the boy.

She watched him expectantly, he seemed to stutter for a moment. He coughed, seemingly getting enough courage. 

"W-who are you?" his voice shook, probably from his wounds, and after a small pause, I answered "I'm Vigil" I answered simply. There was no reason to detail it any more, though, he was probably looking for the reason why she was in the building.

She watched as he contemplated her answer, it was amusing. He hesitated again "I know we just met but.....why were you in that building? why are you here?" finally, he got down to business, I almost smiled "I was in the building for various reasons, and why I'm here? well, I was captured by one of their agents, and I would appreciate if you, Fukuyama, would stop asking useless questions" I turned to his friends, which were slowly limping towards us, holding up a girl whose legs appeared to be injured.

I sighed harder when he tensed up, opening his mouth to say something before he noticed them, forgetting about me and donning a worried face as he ran to see the girl.

Who just happened to be his Girlfriend, Sakura Matsumoto.

Annoyed, I turned and quickly left the small group of Rebels, turning the corner and dodging the authority's and pedestrians. Making my way down the winding streets, The dampness from this mornings rain still stuck to the ground, dripping down the buildings. The clouds still predicting more rain to come.

The winter spirits and Urban Legends for the winter time prowling for those few who aren't protected by charms and small magical spells from the shrine, church, coven, or cult.

They didn't go after me. For a very good reason too.

I would have eaten them.

Since i'm a much higher level than any spirit that resides in the world, or universe. Not like it mattered, The deity's gave me Immortality.

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