Glitches are forever-ch4

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Title: ch4: We find and learn

Capsium Annumm's p.o.v

Not yet...

They whisper

Just wait a bit...

They say

Almost there...

They said


The code screamed

Ink's p.o.v

I'm not sure how long we walked in the wretched void, the silence was already getting to me becuase some douch decided he wouldn't answer anything. Well, except for earlier.....that opening.
Even if I could feel the guilt curling in my stomach I wouldn't accept it. My own morals wouldn't let me.
Error stopped, I glanced up at the back of his skull, slamming right into him becuase I didn't realize that I was still walking. I felt my face heat up, but I shook my head dismissing the whispers of thoughts in my mind. I deffinantly wasn't going to put up my happy act for this shit.
I leaned around the stupidly tall skeleton to see what he was starring at. About five feet in front of us there was a girl, well, she looked like a sketch and her eyes were pitch black with drips of something black coming from her eyes, though, the droplets looked like they would never fall down her face almost like......melting.
I twisted my head to look at Error, he looked completely calm, like this is what he expected. I stayed silent, thinking over my thoughts.
But I felt the code shift
I knew something was happening
My emotions were getting out of control
So so much guilt
And then I was hit in the soul with something

Capsium Annumm's p.o.v

I watched Ink fall

Fates going to be mad...

Why? I think he fell becuase of my presence, he has never come in contact with a Deity who didn't control their aura but Error.......he knows of Fate.

Stupid.....they made so many mistakes...

Error turns slowly, looking at Ink. I don't think he cares about him.

That's why I took their powers...

I let the rest of my aura come out from the code


Heh.....Error looks annoyed

Of course he is annoyed...

I watch

I make

Error's p.o.v

I watch the being in front of me, they watched me too. The stare was slightly unnerving but I knew that this is the deity we were looking for. I sigh at the sight of a overwhelmed Ink, oh well, here we go.

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