Chapter twenty

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Zac just stared back at him looking like he was going to cry. I think Zac knew his dad was behind this.
I don't get on with my parents either but at least I don't have to live with the thought that they're psychotic and want me dead!

"Nothing to say? Hello would be nice" Mr Efron chuckled evilly.

Neither of us replied.

"Let's see if I can make you talk" he spoke in a dangerous voice as he pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at us.

The last thing I remember was hearing a gun shot along with Zac's screams before the most agonising pain went through my shoulder.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. My vision was blurred and my head was sore. All I could hear was my heart beating loudly.
I managed to regain focus and it was only then that I realised someone was holding my hand.

I looked up to see a familiar face and all memories came back to me.
The empty room, the gun shot, the screams, Zac. Zac!
I tugged on his hand to wake him up. He woke up with a look of confusion which turned to joy when he realised I was awake.

"You're up! How are you feeling?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm okay, my head's a bit sore though" I croaked as I tried to sit up. I screamed in pain as soon as the weight was put on my arm.

Zac jumped up to call for help, clearly alarmed.

I looked at my arm to see stitches going right across my shoulder and a Cannula in my arm. The pain was an ongoing shooting pain and it made me want to rip my arm off. I've never in my life felt pain like this and I would never wish it on anyone, not even my worst enemies.

A nurse came rushing in with a pill and some water.

"Here, take this love, it'll help with the pain." She said, sweetly.

"What is it?" I asked, the pain showing in my voice.

"Morphine, dear"

I nodded and put it in my mouth with my good hand. I swallowed it and she passed me the cup of water.

I drank the water slowly and waited for the pain relief to kick in.

The nurse left to get the doctor, leaving me alone with Zac. Now's my chance to ask what happened.

"I suppose you wanna know what happened."
Zac said,reading my mind.

I nodded and waited for Zac to speak. However, just as Zac opened his mouth, the doctor walked in.

"Hello there, I'm Dr Mcalester."

He seems nice.

"Would you like me to tell you your injury?"

Okay I know I sound like a bitch but I'm in a lot of pain right now so don't judge me.

"Yes please doctor"

He looked down at his notes and then back at me.

"I don't know how much you remember but you were shot in the shoulder."


"We removed the bullet by surgery and checked you over for any other injuries," he continued.
"But don't worry, you should be fine as long as you don't use that arm for six weeks."

"Okay, thank you doctor."

He smiled and walked out.

I looked over at Zac, waiting to here what he was about to say before we were interrupted.

"Well?" I asked impatiently.

"Well what?"

"What happened!" I said getting frustrated.

He sighed and looked me directly in the eyes before he began.

"well right after you were shot, I got up and charged at my dad. He tried to shoot me too but the same man who gave me the knife knocked the gun out of his hands and punched my dad, knocking him out. I took his gun and broke it while the mystery man called the police and an ambulance. I still don't know who he is because he had a mask on and he refused to take it off."
Zac finished.

Wow! That's incredible. I never thought we'd get out of that place.

"What about you? Did you get hurt at all?" I asked, concerned.

"Not even a scratch" he smiled, but I could tell he was lying. He wouldn't look me in the eyes.

It's been a week since I woke up in the hospital. I was discharged a day later and I'm going back to work today.

Mr Efron has been sent to prison for 47 years and I feel a lot safer now. I can tell Zac does too and he seems to be coping a lot better with the whole Alex thing, although he still gets upset sometimes at night when he's left alone with his thoughts. I stay with him and talk to him until he falls asleep which seems to help him.

"Zac, I'm leaving!" I called out.

"Bye!" He called back as I walked out the door.

I got into my car and made my way to work.

I walked into work and signed in. I haven't been here in a long time.

I was about to take Katy's file when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Welcome back Aubrey, we've missed you here"
My boss greeted warmly.

"Hello sir, it's good to be back" I smiled.

"Glad to here it but before you start, I need to speak to you."

"Sure, what's wrong?"

"Mr Daniels has escaped."

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