Chapter Four

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Oh wowwowwow what's this A FAST UPDATE! Lolllll once I got over the writer's block it was easy.


Oh no! How can this be? I almost forgot to do my signature Crowd Hating On Me (™) in my intro! How could I?

Crowd: Darn. We were sorta hoping you would forget... then we wouldn't have to come here. I am ashamed to exist in such a terrible fanfiction.

Me: Did that just break the fourth wall?

Crowd: Um, with your terrible writing skills, the fourth wall never existed in the first place. Neither did the other three walls.

Me: So... I'm writing outside?

Crowd: Yes.

Me: But it's like thirty degrees outside! Do I have to type outside? It's cold and I don't wannaaaaaaa.

Crowd: BOOOOO! BOOOOOO! *Rotten fruit*

Me: Look, could you mix it up once in a while and throw some vegetables? Or maybe some fresh fruit?

Crowd: Why don't you mix it up once in a while and NOT BRING US HERE?

Me: *Shrugs* Can't do that. The fans like it.

Fans: *Are about as existent as Dex's relevance* Sure. Yay. Woo hoo.


Crowd: Um-


Sophie squeezed her eyes shut and put her face in her hands, as though blocking the world out would make the bad news disappear. And honestly, Linh's optimism "Don't give up hope" speech was a load of alicorn poo. Things just kept getting worse and worse for the Black Swan. The Neverseen were always like fifteen steps ahead. They were all doomed.

While Sophie was thinking some very cheerful thoughts, Mr. Forkle had started interrogating Marella and Linh about what Fintan had said recently during Marella's lessons, to see if that gave them any hints. The answers were "How the mallowmelt should I know? Unless it's an actual valid pyrokinetics instruction, I don't pay attention to anything the guy says. Ninety percent of the time its him telling me I suck at this, or 'If you don't control the flames, the flames will control you.'" -Marella, obviously- and Linh's response of "I don't know... I don't think he said anything useful. Sorry I couldn't be of more help..."

Only vaguely aware of these things, Sophie was mostly focusing on breathing steadily and not going into full panic mode. She was almost entirely oblivious to the world (And to everything else XD) when the familiar voice of EBWSATBJFWBMSLSNS- sorry, Fitz- filled her head.

You okay, Sophie?

The thought Keefe wouldn't even have to ask, and he'd know exactly how to make me feel better filled her head before Sophie realized- HE CAN HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS WHAT THE MALLOWMELT ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT!- wait, Fitz could hear that too. Honestly, these telepathic conversations were really- HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING? STOP! THINKING! THINGS!

She could hear Fitz chuckling humorlessly- in real life or in her head, she couldn't tell- but it was obvious he was mad. Why did this all have to be so complicated?

You would rather Keefe be here than me? Fitz transmitted angrily. What a jealous EBWSATBJFWBMSLSNS.

No! It's- I don't know where that thought came from. I just miss him, that's all. It's not that- I didn't mean I don't want you here. Really, I'm grateful that you're trying to ensure I'm okay. I just wish he was here- because he's my friend and he's in a coma and I miss him. Sophie mentally rambled.

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