Chapter Twenty Four

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Woohoo for 500 comments! And 200 votes!

Crowd: At the time you're writing this it's only 198-

Me: SHUT UP! Everyone except two or three people will read the truth!

Crowd: Yeah bold of you to assume people will actually vote.


*Clears throat*

Fast updates! Whoo! I was bored so I wrote this just all in one sitting. Actually, it's usually only one or two sittings per chapter. Does anyone else do this? Or do they write a little at a time? Anyway you get to see Keefe Scene #1 in this chapter! 

Okay, so, I would personally thank the person who helped inspire this chapter, but I'm pretty sure you'd all go murder her after reading this, so... I'll just say I took your advice and added in some drama! Said person probably knows who they are, so huge thank you!

Crowd: So much for keeping this under 100 words. It's over 150. aNd It'S 500 oVeR oN fAnFiCtIoN.nEt!


Crowd: Heh heh you suck at this.

Okay so I was going to include this big speech in my A/N the chapter plus A/N's is over 2,000 words over on Fanfiction so maybe next chapter.


"So, the council still hasn't done anything regarding that Axel dude and the caches?" Keefe asked, meeting Sophie outside Kyknos, the new Black Swan hideout.

"No," Sophie muttered. "It's been more than two days! I get that the council has a lot to do, but really, shouldn't this be a priority? They're all such incompetent-"

Keefe cut her off before she could continue, which was probably wise- there was a good chance Forkle would lecture her about language if he heard whatever word she would have used. "I mean, most of them suck, but what about Oralie? She's cool, right?"

Sophie snorted. Once upon a time, she may have agreed, before she figured out what a liar Councillor She Who Must Not Be Named was. "No."

"Oookay... I'm not sure what changed, but I'm not going to ask," Keefe decided. "Shall we proceed with the training?"

"That is a good idea, Mr. Sencen. I'm pleasantly surprised." Sophie snorted at Mr. Forkle's comment, and Keefe looked offended. "Now, we need to be very careful when doing this. There is definitely no prior knowledge about stellarlune nor your new ability, and things could easily go very wrong. As such, we've decided to have you experiment on the ability of Miss Foster that is least vital to our success- Polyglot."

"Great. Steal Polyglot-ness from Foster. Um... how do I do that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. Just go with your instinct. How does your Empathy work?"

Keefe shrugged. "I just touch them. Think that'll work for this one?" He poked Sophie in the shoulder.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, poking him back. That provoked a mini tickle war, during which Forkle sighed and muttered his catchphrase until Sophie and Keefe stopped to actually pay attention, still laughing their heads off. She cleared her throat, fighting the giggles. "Um... you're a super visual person, right?" When Keefe nodded, she continued "Just picture, like, reaching out and stealing that ability's respective pin, or something. Maybe that'd work?"

"Right. Here goes nothing." Keefe closed his eyes for concentration. "Ça a marché?"

"Um..." Sophie was momentarily confused as to why her Polyglot abilities weren't working before she remembered. "Keefe, I think that's French."

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