Thirteen: Mi Casa es Su Casa

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February 5th, 1977
On Route to Madison Square Garden, New York


I watched closely at Mia as she wrote something then erased it on her journal. She was sitting at the booth, her one leg propped up, the other one crossed, as her hair sat in a bun and her glasses rested on her nose. Brian was sitting next to her, giving her tips as she nodded, or added another comment. Once and a while she would laugh, or the both of them would laugh, then become serious again.

She seemed chipper than the other days. Maybe because we're going to be in New York. That's where she's been all along, so technically she should be happy. I would be, if we were preforming in our section of town. Even though she was tired, she was happy. But, I wanted to be happy with her.

My foot tapped impatiently as Roger tried to strike me into conversation. My mind was racing with other thoughts as I kept an eye on the girl who was stealing my heart.

Waking up to her in Springfield was absolutely great. We would eat breakfast together, make snarky comments back and forth, and, most importantly, stay close together. But, Sully has decided to switch it up for Mia, and now has been sleeping with the others for quote-unquote, "safe measures." In other terms, even though I promised I wouldn't leave her out of my sight, he still has no trust in me. That stupid prick.

As the days go on, though, we notice that Mia is loosing more and more sleep. I think the issue is because of her moving all around the different rooms with us. We all have different sleeping patterns, so I'm sure she's not used to that. However, when I woke up with her the other day, I noticed that her eyes were red and she seemed very sleepy. Not only did I notice this, but so have Brian and John. To what I'm discovering, Mia isn't sleeping, period. Yet, she walks around with that happy mood as if everything is fine.

She still manages to look beautiful, even if she's sleep deprived. The only problem with us is when we head out into public. Mia keeps her distance away from me. Whenever I try to wrap my hand around her to touch her, she flinches and moves away. But, behind closed doors, we can embrace each other and touch each other's asses (which only happened once) with no problem.

Mia is difficult, but, it doesn't mean I want to have her for my own. She's so goddamn difficult, but I love it. I can't just grasp her into my arms, I have to fight for it.

Oh, yes, I know, I have to tell her about David. Here's the problem, David is coming to our show tonight. Paul decided, without my input, that it would be best for David to come to our show tonight in Madison Square Garden, probably one of our largest gigs.

And another problem, she's avoiding me at the moment because Sully is on the bus. That's the only reason why I'm not up there helping her with her music. Why I'm not there cuddling next to her and giving her some sweet-

"Drink, Freddie?"

Sully stood in front of me, holding a drink of whiskey in his hand. His hair was down today, a beard forming on his usually clean face. I wanted to scowl, but that's no way to act around our guest manager, right?

I grabbed the drink, much to my dismay, from Sully's hand. "Thank you."

He gave me a small head nod. "Not to mention it." Then took a seat right next to me.

Just great.

"So, Freddie, how do you think the tour's going?" Sully asked before taking a sip from his glass.

"Just like every other tour, except with a new addition." I replied plainly, my eyes catching with Mia's quickly before she looked back down.

"That's good, that's good." Silly took another sip from his glass. "Sorry Mia has been so late to the shows lately. Seems as though she's having last minute changes to her wardrobe."

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