Bucky X Peter X Sam

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This was requested btw and it's also one of my more favorited ships

It had been two days since the sides were chosen. Peter has still not been asked by Tony to be on his side, let alone been told he knew about Spider-Man.

As of right now, Peter was swinging around New York. (Lets just say it takes place in NY if it doesn't because I'm writing this when tired). Webs swinging him from building to building as he listened to Karen speak about the troubles around him.

"There does not seem to be any activity tonight, Peter." She informed him, knowing if she did not he wouldn't stop asking. "I suggest going to grab something to eat before heading home."

"Thanks Karen." The teenager spoke out but yet still was on edge as he looked around him. The onesie wearing boy swung himself to the ground before he began walking. It was a fast walk, only a couple cars passing him as he made his way to the closest store near him.

The closest food place was a convenient store. The hero smiled before making his way towards it. As he stepped through the door, a small jingle was heard above him from a small set of bells. The place felt homey even if it was just a corner store.

There where a couple other people in there besides him. A cashier stood behind the counter, looking at the newcomer and smiling slightly. Peter looked around once more and glanced at the others in the shop.

An elderly man with whitening hair who held onto a cane.

A young girl being carried by what seemed to be her mother.

And two men, one darker than the other. Both wore sunglasses even though they where inside and both had caps on. The darker one had a maroon cap while the long-haired person seemed to have a dark blue cap.

Peter thought nothing of it as he wandered over to the chips. His eyes scanned the words labeled on each before he picked out two bags of Doritos. One Nacho Cheese and the other Cool Ranch. Knowing him, he would most likely eat them both in a couple minutes due to his high metabolism.

Taking out his card from a very hidden pocket, he made his way towards the cashier who was slightly in shock that the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was grabbing food from their store. Placing the card down, he waited patiently for the woman to start doing whatever she had to do.

However, before she could even pick up a card, another card was slid ontop of his.

"I'll pay." Spike a deep and hoarse voice. As if the person had not had a glass of water in weeks. The younger hero looked over his shoulder to see the two capped men watching him. It was the longer haired one that had placed his card onto the counter.

As the woman began to cash the teen out, he turned to look at the others before speaking.

"You know I could have paid, right?" He spoke. His voice was higher than what the two men expected to be which made them question how old the superhero was.

"But wouldn't it be rude to not pay for someone who looks as if he is a superhero?" The one with the red cap was the one who spoke next. His hands where in his pockets as he tilted his head to the side unnoticeably.

"Spider-Man." He grinned out before turning to the lady who was handing back both of the cards. He took his card and placed it in his very invisible pocket. He grabbed the plastic bag which the chips had been put into it.

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