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Sayori and Monika were both in the empty classroom, reading their respective books when there was a knock on the door. There was a tall purple-haired girl, and a short, pink-haired girl there as well. Monika swung open the door and said, "Hello! We are the Literature Club, can we help you?" Sayori giggled and whispered in Monika's ear, "You sound like the person who picks up the phone in Walmart."

The purple-haired one said, "I-I like t-to read, s-so can I j-join?" "Sure! What's your name?" "Y-Yuri..." "It's nice to meet you! Welcome to the Literature Club! And...are you here to join as well?" "Yeah, but not because I care about helping out a new club or anything!" "What's your name?" "I'm Natsuki...and by the way, can I keep my manga in here, my dad doesn't want them at home." Monika looked at Natsuki, a little confused, but answered, "Yeah...sure." "Great! Thanks!" Natsuki ran over to the closet to put the Manga away.

"Sayori, looks like we have ourselves a real club!" Sayori giggled and nodded excitedly. This was going to be an adventure.

Is this real? (Sayonika and Natsuri)Where stories live. Discover now