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"From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading this book. It is amazing to see all of the support from all of you. Thank you so much. Now, on with the final chapter of the book." - nhlfnafgamer

There was a knock on the door, and both Natsuki and Yuri knew exactly what it was. They opened the door to reveal Emi with Yuruki. Yuruki quickly hugged and kissed Emi before she jumped into Natsuki and Yuri's arms. Natsuki and Yuruki were both sobbing while Yuri thanked Emi for doing this.

Eventually, Natsuki went over to Emi with tears In her eyes, and did something she never thought she do except for with Yuri. She went over to Emi and hugged her. "Thank you, so so much, for allowing us to have this time with Yuruki. It really means a lot to me and Yuri." "It's no problem, really, I'm glad she has someone she loves as much as we love her. Before we got to know her, Thank you so much for taking care of her." Natsuki let go of Emi and went back over to the mix.

Yuri then went over to Emi and said, "I know this may come across a bit harsh, but I care for Yuki A lot. But you are taking good care of her and care for her as well, right?" "Of course! We love her very much." "I'm glad to hear it. Thank you so much for doing this for us."

Yuruki then said goodbye to her other mother and Natsuki closed the door. Suddenly, Yuruki started to cry. Natsuki piped in, "Yuki! What's wrong?!" She replied, "I thought that... When I left... That you wouldn't want me anymore..." Yuri made a shocked face, then replied, "Trust me, we love you very much and we always want you." "Thank you mama and mommy..." Yuruki then went off to play with some toys while Natsuki and Yuri sat on the couch, their hands intertwined.

"Yuri? Is this real?"

"Yes it is, Natsuki, this is as real as it gets." Yuri gave Natsuki a quick peck on the cheek as they watched their child enjoy being at home.

Is this real? (Sayonika and Natsuri)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon