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Monika woke up alone. She had been scolding herself for 6 hours, saying how stupid she was for losing Sayori. She kept wondering, who would be there during the happy times? Who would be the sunshine when the clouds were eating at her? No one. Ever. She had done this to herself. She let Sayori go. She kicked her out, just like Sayori's parents.

Monika started to hyperventilate. She couldn't get her eyes to focus on anything. She was lost, even in her own house. She didn't know where to go, what to do. Monika was having a panic attack. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't talk. Couldn't move. And it was never-ending.

The door suddenly burst open. It was Natsuki. She was screaming at Monika to calm down, but all Monika heard was muffled words. She kept crying. Kept shaking. Kept hoping. She could now hear Natsuki. "Monika, calm down. Take deep breaths."

Monika eventually calmed down. Natsuki could now see Monika's eyes. They were screaming with pain and regret. "Ok. Monika, stay calm, can you tell me what happened between you and Sayori?" Monika sighed slowly and said, "Sayori's depression has been a lot worse lately. She doesn't even smile anymore." "But, in school she sm-" "That's a mask. Thats her trying to make you not care about her. Anyway, yesterday she wouldn't stop asking me to help her. I said I didn't know how, but she kept asking. And eventually, I snapped, and got really angry. I said a lot of things I didn't mean." "Like what?" "I said...I said...I didn't love her anymore..."

"What the fuck?! Why would you say something like that??" "I got angry, okay?! I want to fix it but I feel like she won't listen to me. I was going to plan a club meeting to figure everything out, but I don't know if I can do it." "I think that's a great idea. In fact, we can all go to Yuri's right now. Everyone is there. It's time to end the drama. Okay?" Monika nodded slowly, then hugged Natsuki. "Thank you. You helped a lot." "No problem! Thats what friends are for. Not that I care or anything!!"

Is this real? (Sayonika and Natsuri)Where stories live. Discover now