In His Possession

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(This oneshot was requested by LocallyuwuF)

Taking in a deep breath, I exhaled the air from my lungs out slowly as I tried to calm the raging nerves that overpopulated my entire body. My hands were shaky and I could feel beads of sweat roll down my forehead as I held the sheet of paper in my hands, re-reading my notes over and over again and practicing them in my head. As I continued to read the words to myself to try and memorize them as much as possible, I was pulled from my thoughts when an announcers voice boomed from the various speakers that decorated the hall, his voice rang out loud and clear.

'And now, from Ms Bitter's class, we have Miss(Y/N)!'

Crap, guess that's my queue. Before I stepped out from where I was, I glanced around quickly, observing all the other children that were also chosen to present their class's awards for this year. To my surprise, a few of them looked as nervous as I do as they stared down at their notes with fearful eyes. The rest of them seemed confident and eager for when it was their turn. Wish I had that. Instead, I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry into my hands due to my overwhelming amount of emotions I carried with me. Every year, they chose someone at random to go up on stage and give out a pre-planned speech that they had to share to the whole school, and if they dared to back out of it, they would be in an insane amount of trouble. Taking another deep breath, I put all my attention on pacing my steps forward as I moved closer and closer to the stage, feeling as though I had to drag my legs up the side-stairs to get there. Once on top, I continued walking to my destination as I awkwardly emerged myself through the dark red curtains and up into a place where everyone could see me. Lights crowded my view from below, covering a small section of people from me, but I was still able to make out the hundreds of students that were standing in front of me, all of them holding their attention to me. My heart was racing beyond my control as I stood up onto the podium, placing my sheet of paper down on the small table in front of me as I hovered my head over to the microphone, dreading the fact that I had to speak into it.

'O-our class consists of 20 s-students,' I stuttered, trying hard to keep myself from collapsing on the floor as I read from the paper. 'E-each one of them dedicated and hard working towards their future.'

We all know this was a lie, but the teachers forced us to read it anyway just so they could build up a good reputation. As I continued reading, I got to the part where we went in alphabetical order in names of who has accomplished what.

'Adam, rewarded for being the most prepared student. Beth, the most enthusiastic, Dib, the most creative...'

This went on for a while, but eventually, my speech came to an end and I was more than ready to hear the announcer's voice dismiss me from my post. When it came to my reward, I was nominated as the most caring student in our class. As for Zim, well.... he wasn't really rewarded for anything.

They just kinda skipped him.

Anyway, the very least I was expecting out of all of this was that there would be a few people or so to stand up alongside me, or at least accompany me on the stage. But nope! I was all by myself, quivering the whole time as I somehow kept myself together. The only thing that helped me get through it all was the fact that Zim was somewhere in the audience, watching me, knowing that his girlfriend was being as strong and as brave as she could be. He'd never tell anyone, but he was so proud of his human for doing this. After what felt like a long, very excruciating few seconds, the speakers finally sounded out.

'Thank you, Miss (Y/N). Now, let's welcome Tucker to the stage!'

And that was my queue. I spent no time in hesitating as I stepped down from the podium and almost practically ran off from the stage. The crowds un-enthusiastic clapping was drowned out by the focus I had on trying to keep my emotions together, feeling my eyes water ever so slightly. Unbeknownst to me, Zim noticed my reaction as I got off the stage, immediately filling up with concern as he aggressively pushed his way past the rest of the students.

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