۵ Smile And Play Pretend ۵

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'Oh... my...' Zim mumbled in surprise, staring at the screen in front of him as a smile grew wider on his face. 'Oh my... OH, YES! YESYESYESYESYESYESYES! YES YES YES!' Eventually he found himself repeating that same exact word as he frantically ran around the base, squealing like a teenage girl as he could barely contain the excitement in him. 'I HAVE TO CALL THE TALLEST AND THANK THEM! NO WAIT, FIRST I'LL SEND BACK AN RSVP TO THE ORIGINAL SENDER! NO WAIT...'

This went on for a little while before he eventually decided on what he wanted to do first. That was, of course, coming to me and telling me everything that was going on. Being oblivious as to what was happening down in his base, I was upstairs in his house happily in the middle of preparing some homemade sugar cookies with Gir that Zim had requested. He'd actually planned on spending more time with me today and do some baking together after I let him try some sugar cookies I had made a week prior to today that he simply couldn't get enough of. It was one of the few foods I could actually make for him that he was more than happy to have without any hesitation, since these are so high in sugar & carbohydrates and are perfect for an Irken diet.

All that aside, the three of us were all busy in the kitchen, singing and dancing along to some of our favourite tunes as we all kinda goofed around a little. That was until the computer system alarmed us that an important message had been sent to Zim and that he should respond immediately. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disheartened to know Zim had to go off for a few minutes, but he reassured me he'd be back as soon as he could as he placed a small kiss on my cheek before going off down into his lab. For those remaining minutes, Gir and I continued on with our baking as we kept the silly atmosphere around us alive with music still playing around us and the occasional spill or accident caused by Gir. At the moment I was in the middle of helping him cut out some shapes in the dough before we turned our attention to Zim, who had only just rushed back upstairs with the biggest smile on his face, his beautiful magenta eyes lighting up with absolute glee as he walked over to me.

'(Y/N)! COME WITH ME!' He stated loudly and full of excitement.

'O-okay...' I stuttered curiously as I watched Gir carry on with cutting out the shapes, 'Can I wait until Gir has finished-'

'NOPE! YOU HAVE TO COME WITH ME NOW!' He interrupted, grabbing my hand firmly as he started pulling me along with him and back down into his base, leaving Gir alone in the kitchen as he occupied himself with the simple little job he was given. Upon entering his base, he wasted no time in directing me over to the large computer screen over by all his other equipment, his body ecstatically jumping up and down right beside me.

'HERE! READ WHAT IT SAYS!' He demanded excitedly, pointing at the screen. Doing as he said, I averted my gave to the screen where I began to read what looked like an invite for something, repeating the words out loud as I read through them.

'... - and hereby all Irken Invaders are to attend the grand intervention held on planet Ottonia. We ask that you inform us immediately whether you can or cannot attend. Signed, The Almighty Tallest...' I paused for a moment, before turning around to look at an overly-hyped Zim who can barely contain himself as he squirmed right where he stood.

'So... what exactly does this mean?' I asked, feeling a sense of dread as I asked my question with a dumbfounded look.

'It means all current Invaders go to the seminar and will be escorted and taught new things by our Tallest! I'M SO EXCITED! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY EVER SINCE I GRADATED IRKEN KINDERGARTEN!'

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