Chapter 14

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" Gahyeon, to my office. "

" Yes chief. "

Gahyeon walked in and it was evident that she did not cover up her wound.

" Sit here. "

" Yes Chief. "

" I'm sorry for yesterday, I...I wasn't in the right mind, and I shouldn't have acted out on you. "

" It's part of training, no grudges held. "

" Stay still, this will hurt. "

JiU took the antiseptic cream and applied on her wound. Gahyeon flinched.

" You don't have to Chief. "

" Its my job to take care of what belongs to me. "

JiU finished it up with a plaster and asked Gahyeon to return back. JiU was about to open the door when Yoohyeon opened it.

" Chief, we need to talk. "

" Yoohyeon, not now, I need to settle things. "

Then JiU felt her blood going abnormally wrong. Her blood streams were pumping faster.

Oh no.

" No, JiU this is important. "

" If it's about what happened yesterday, it can wait. "

" That is one matter, but Lua asked me to pass this to you immediately. "

JiU took the file and immediately opened it. Then, she knew right away, that Lua was right, something had reacted in her. Her blood level was not normal. She could feel it even as she read the document. Then she felt a shortage of air, one hand reaching for her throat, the other on Yoohyeon.

" JiU, don't scare me, are you okay ?! "

" Lua... call Lua. "

Yoohyeon screamed for Lua and Lua came rushing. They helped JiU to her bed, there Lua gave JiU and shot and she felt more stable.

" Sorry Chief, but you need rest, you can pass your role to Yoohyeon for now, it's for your sake. "

" I...I can't. "

" JiU, stop it, can you for once just think about yourself ? Just tell me what to do. "

" Lua, you are excused for now. "

" Yes Chief, I will take my leave. "

" Yoohyeon, on my computer you will see the plans for today. Just take that file and read it. "

" Okay, leave everything to me. You need rest. And please, stop blaming me or anyone including yourself for whatever is happening, I still need to talk to you but, just sleep first okay ? "

JiU nodded her head and just left the rest for Yoohyeon to take over. Before she left, Yoohyeon kissed JiU on her forehead. She left to JiU's room and took the file. She read everything and was shock. JiU had other plans besides just "scaring" off the Bombers. She was going to extort their money, give them a slow painful death. Something wasn't right.

JiU was never like this. No matter how bad her past was, no matter how bad her day was, she would never go to that extend. Lua. Lua knows.

Yoohyeon walked to Lua's room and called for her.

" Second chief, how can I help you ? "

" Tell me everything I need to know about JiU. "

" I can't, that's classified. "

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