Chapter Thirteen

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DREAM x SKZ is the interaction that I live for.

Chapter written on: March 18, 2020


Take time to read this:

Look, I know you're tired, and I know you're scared. Scared of that daunting task, scared of screwing up that daunting task. I get that you might be mad at yourself for procrastinating or letting work with seemingly far away deadlines pile up and suddenly it's 1AM and you realize your thesis for that essay is horrible and you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. But all of that is in the past, all that desicions in the past and you can wallow in anger and self loathingand continue to put off thing you know are important, or you could utilize the time you have right now to do as much of it as you possibly can as soon as you can. So go onto Google calendar, or grab your planner, or a scrap of paper or hell, a napkin, and figure out the time you have on your hand in the next 24 hours, estimate how long you think those big horrible, breath shaking and head-in-hands including task will take. If you get it done in that time, great. If you don't, move on, you have other shit to do. It's better to have 85% of most things done than 98% of one thing done and 2% of another thing done that will turn out to be equally as important. Save yourself further stress, do the napkin plan thing, block social media sites,write down what you're feelinganything immense, because emotions tend to take your mind off things and get it done. Whether it is 100%, 85% or even 10% get some of it done.

- studyspiration-coffee (tumblr)


I wasn't able to see people's countdown ever since birth.

It just... happened.

Although I wish it didn't.


"So, are you ready for school, baby?" My mom said, fixing the collar of my top as she stared at me lovingly.

I hummed gleefully,"You'll be there too, right?"

She chuckled,"I'm not allowed there for the whole school day, baby. Plus, you're going to meet new friends there, it'll be awkward if mommy will just stand there as you talk to your friends, right? You're a first grader now, you should be able to get friends on your own!"

"I don't mind having you around though!"

"I'm sorry that I couldn't come with you to school, baby..."

"It's okay, I know you have important places to be in, mom,"

"Now, go on inside, the bell is going to ring in any minute now, you don't want to be late on the first day of school, do you?" She said, patting my head.

I bid her goodbye as I jogged towards the entrance of the school. Looking back, she waved at me one last time before slowly driving off.


My chest hurts....

"Ah!" I moaned in pain as I fell on my knees, looking at my mom who is slowly driving away, seeing numbers imprinted on her chest.


28 hours and 31 minutes...? What will happen when that comes? What will happen to my mom?


"Welcome home, sweetie!" My dad greeted me as I entered the door of our loving home.

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