Poem: 1 Big Question

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Hey people, what's wrong with you?
Why so much struggle?
Every time I go out into the rat race
Leaving my comfortable plastic bubble
I expect trouble

Going through the motions
Trying to pick up speed
Feeling like that snail crossing the trail
Life's got to be more than desires and needs
Defending myself from my and everyone else's greed

I wish there were gods
Who could make it all flow smoothly
For me the hero of this story
The protagonist of this real life movie
Wouldn't that be groovy?

In a week I gained 3 kilos
After watching my food intake several weeks
If the universe is fair why didn't it make me slim?
Why is the bottom I seek so out of reach?
Why do the valleys have so few peaks?

Sometimes the days fly by
At other times it's a chore just to make it through one day
Disappointment must be held in check
Sorrow must be kept at bay
Never let downers have their way

Why is there a spark in my heart
That won't allow me to quit?
The world, so full of both beauty and horror,
Doesn't seem to care a bit?
What I would do if I could fit it all in my catcher's mitt!

~ Gunnar Våken

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