Poem: VVinning

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Winning isn't everything
And despite what the pit bulls tell you
It's also not
The only thing

Sure we need it often
To get to the next stage
But there are many issues
With winning being everything

Sometimes winning brings you
You don't really want to go
You didn't do your research
Or your research didn't unearth
All the facts

You arrive
Then roll your eyes
Coz the the prize
Turns into that which
You despise

The next stage
May also turn out to be
Someone else's

Because you
Are not
The right person
To be there


Losing may suck
Leaving a bitter taste
In your mouth
But it may
The best thing
For you

Losing might
Open new doors
Or set you in
A new and better

Or it may simply
Give you a chance
To rest
To reflect
Upon your

Or, it may mean
You have to make
Anothed attempt
Because the last time
You couldn't
Cut the mustard
You only
Cut some cheese

Stinkers are still human
And may yet taste triumph
Because, luckily,
The smell goes away
In a few minutes or hours
Or at most, a day

Winning is everything?
It is if your morals
Come straight
From the outhouse
Shit stall
You're no god
And no one else is
Thus I say
Get your mind
Out of the sod
And live eyes wide open
At times embracing
The horse's neigh

~ Gunnar Våken

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