Poem: Loss Leaders

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As the river flows, so do our minds
Ideas come and go, along with the times
What's taboo today becomes tomorrow's rage
Current clucks turn into the future's sage

On this tiny dot in a vast universe
We create religions, philosophies and trends
We trumpet our buffoonery into the stars
Finding the galaxy is devoid of friends

So, we point our loudspeakers at each other
Feigning familial ties of sister and brother
Leaders pocketing nature and community's treasures
Empire building still occurring
Oligarchs wedded to pleasure

Somewhere along the way
Crazy ideas infiltrated worldviews
Marginal privileged voices had their say
The deranged becoming daily news

Why replace a bad idea with something worse?
Why when facing the death squad do we dig our own graves?
At birth, instead of our butts, our fist can come out first
Our power to choose making us less of slaves

When waves of corruption rule the beaches
When absent lifeguards are replaced by leeches
When lifeboats are sunk and swimmers not saved
Tell me, is it you or me that's depraved?

~ Gunnar Våken

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