Poem: Answers

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Lady Luck didn't give a f*
So I crossed my fingers instead
And prayed to the pantheon sitting above
To relieve the sense of dread

My questions got answers but not
The right ones, ones that
Fit reality, so I kept on seeking
Ever seeking, like a curious cat

Up to the rafters and down to
The gully, my quest led me far away
And I discovered one thing or another
One thing certain is don't bother to pray

Coz things work out
Or not, based on chance or my good efforts
My requests all left in a vault to rot
No eyes to give them reference

On a muddy trail in the midst
Of ferns and stinking fish
I seek the wisdom from above
While sullying runner bottoms
From start to finish

No one cares but those who rely
On my final blessed outcome
Please, my Thor, let me become
Mad Max instead of fury gone numb

~ Gunnar Våken

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