Poem: Insights

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A wise old woman said to me
"Look at these trees,
Then look at the freeway,
The downtown,
The contrast."

Many moons have I searched
The world over
Many a season have I
Whistled in the wind
For . . .
That which I cannot name

The wise old woman said:
"The sun rises, later it sets.
Clouds move.
Don't get upset."

I pounded the pavement
Sailed the seas
Called out to eternity
Even begging
On my knees

Again the wise old woman
Shared her insights:
"In the morning sow seed.
Water them at noon.
Harvest them at nightfall."

Dizziness, irregularity
Seized my head, my whole body
Rocked me like
An earthquake
I wondered:
"Where should I go?"

Finally, the wise old lady
Paused a moment
Scratched her nose
Looked me straight
In the eyes
And said:

"Look inward. Look outward
The answer, my friend,
Is not blowing in the wind
Like some useless trash
Plastic bag.
On your journey
Truth will come
Believe it. Embrace it.
You will better know
Your way."

I thanked her
And continued up the
I hadn't really
Understood what she had said.

But later, as I mused on
My midnight pillow
A little light came on
In my mind's eye
And I understood,
Completely understood.

Thank you, ma'am.

I'll never forget
Your lessons
To me.


~ Gunnar Våken

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