Poem: The Life Cycle

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Time and seasons don't go as we expect
Shadows lengthen like our stretching necks
With global warming snow for us comes less often
But when disasters strike there's an uptick in pill-poppin'

What is life and why are we here?
The answers should be borne out of truth not fear
Explain this world don't invent one anew
Or create new dimensions out of the blue

Though we fail to grasp time we must travel within
Birth, life and death are under its admin
Respect for reality can improve life quality
As we focus on mountains and treat molehills as frivolities

While I journey through the decades I count myself no sage
Submitting to reason and sometimes rage
Any upswing in tomfoolery ought to be countered
Just like decimal numbers are usually rounded

I'm moving forward to the dawn horizon
Preferring early Sunday jogs to weekend lie-ins
My eyes watering in the cool breeze
Committing to stand when foes force me to my knees

The story ends at my last breath
Then I embrace the void of impending death
Our offspring, partners and mentees carrying on the battle
"It's all worth it" I say to myself as I dismount
My saddle

~ Gunnar Våken

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