Poem: Wishes & Reality

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I wish I could bend the world
To my dreams
Banish the idiots
And all I find obscene

I wish that I could
Control time
And make it mine
And never block out
The sunshine

I wish my hard work
And positive attitude
Could light up the stars
With loving gratitude

Reality, sometimes harsh
Sometimes gentle
It picks losers and winners
Juicy meats and stringy lentils

It often bites you in the ass
Like an enraged guard dog
Or rubs your two shoulders
To clear your inner fog

It may feast on your head
Like a streaming zombie
Or pay out a lotto prize
Like in an unbelievable comedy

What's real on the left
My wishes on the right
To reconcile the two
Requires mucho
Foresight and insight

No one has superseded reality
Raised the dead
Produced a miracle
That can't be debunked
Except in bed

If you don't like it
Complain to your deity
In your bathroom mirror
Go ahead
Question reality

Your wishes do not
Create the real world
Like straight hair
Expensively curled

Submit, then push what you can
There is a part you shape

And the other
The unfortunate other
Will from your grasp
Always escape

Chill your mind
Flow with that wind
Plan along with time
And make reality
Your friend

~ Gunnar Våken

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