Poem: Joy & Urgency

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Some days I feel like shit
Other days I feel heaven
Sunburst, cloud formation
It's all good
When my engine's still revvin'

Blue skies or overcast
Unbearable or simply incredible
Weather shifts, I'm still here
Speeding up, changing gears

When the sun's out on a near-winter day
And the skies azure over grassy green
What frustration can come my way?
Which worries will invade my scene?

Here today, gone tomorrow
Life is funny
Despite some sorrow
My nose may be runny
My energy juices running low
It's time to be cunning
Treat the calendar
Both as pal and foe

Express yourself while you can
Express yourself today, this moment
Express your true inner soul
Action is better than simply hopin'

~ Gunnar Våken

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