Poem: Switching Lanes

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I never planned to be
In one lane (or two) for so long
Fulfilling the ultimate goal
Has been like
Extracting an olive in a jar
With tongs

You borrow from the future
You end paying back the past
Loans are supposedly about
Getting ahead
Not putting your running legs
In casts

You live
You learn
And try not
To get burned

The height of pain
Is self-inflicted wounds
When booboos become instructors
You'd better
Perk up and
Stay tuned

Again I'm trying to switch lanes
This time for the ultimate
Previous attempts were for
Survival or 2nd best
In this one there's no choice
But to score on the net

You do a damned good job
In whatever's in your control
The rest, the external, like rough seas
You navigate blood and sweat
Heart and soul

In the end
Or we could say mid-way
On the multi lane road of life
Quell the storms
As best you can
And the remainder
It's you you must pacify

~ Gunnar Våken

The Warrior Awakes: The Poetry of Gunnar VåkenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz