Chapter 2 practice makes perfect

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16 years later the baby boy had grown into a young man and works under the teaching of Merlin. And his name is Pan Eden. Through the wizard Merlin teaching, Pan Eden is learning on how to become a great wizard like Merlin. But today Pan Eden was working on his magic with the elements... during a crisis. As Pan Eden struggle just to stay alive, Merlin was trying to push Pan Eden even harder.

Merlin: come young apprentice. There is much work that needs to be done.

Pan Eden: I'm doing the best I can, master!

Merlin: there always more that you can do.

Pan Eden: but there's a giant dragon attacking this village.

Then the giant Dragon shoot fire out of his mouth and burn some houses down.

Merlin: our job here is not with the dragon. Just be glad that it the last of its kind.

Pan Eden: but we are in his line of sight. And his coming this way!

Then Dragon charge towards Pan Eden and Merlin. Pan Eden tried to run but Merlin grab his student and cast a strong barrier that the Dragon could not break. Pan Eden was very scare but Merlin said

Merlin: as long as we are in the barrier, we are safe, apprentice.

Then the Dragon flew away from them and attack more of the village. Then Merlin told the Pan Eden.

Merlin: put the fire out young .

Pan Eden: ok, ok, I'll use a water spell.

Then Pan Eden used his magic and created water and Pan Eden used the water to put out the fire.

Pan Eden: I can't keep doing this! not with that Dragon in the way!

Merlin: and like I said before apprentice. Our job is not with the Dragon. It called training for a reason. And we are trying save much of the people as we can.

Pan Eden: then who will take care of the Dragon?

Merlin: ha, ha, ha. That job belongs... to our king.

But far in the distance. King Arthur and his royal knights were riding on horses. Charging towards the danger of the Dragon caused. Then the horse stops and King Arthur and his royal knights got in for a closer look on the danger. Then as Merlin notice that King Arthur was here. He quickly looked around and saw no else was here but himself and his apprentice then he quickly teleports himself and Pan Eden towards King Arthur while the dragon tried to attacked them.

Pan Eden: I hated when you do that.

Merlin: hush apprentice. We mange to save much of the people as we can my legion.

King Arthur: and what of the boy?

Merlin: needs... more work.

Pan Eden: ow.

Sir Gawain: My king. The dragon it the biggest one I ever see.

Sir Percival: would require assistant my legion?

King Arthur: no! as king I will handle the beast, alone.

Then King Arthur grab his sword then a surge of power came from the sword and was pulled into King Arthur. Then new amour and power cover all over King Arthur. He was wearing Gold and Sliver amour and then King Arthur jumped up into the air and attack the Dragon with an impact move that push the Dragon away from the village.

The Dragon then roars with anger and flew up and breath fire on King Arthur. But King Arthur then swing his sword and cancel the Dragon's attack like it was nothing. Then King Arthur jumped into the air again and from his sword released a glowing energy that wrap around the Dragon and have him slammed down into the ground.

then as smoke cover all over the Dragon, as the Dragon tried to get up then out of nowhere King Arthur jump through the smoke and cut the Dragon's head off. Then as the King Arthur's knights and Merlin along with Pan Eden waited to see who had won. Then King Arthur walked out of the smoke and was dragging the Dragon's head and carrying the Dragon's heart. Then he said.

King Arthur: I thought he put up more of a challenge.

Then everyone cheers for King Arthur victory.

King Arthur: we shall clean up the mess as much as we can. Then... we return to Camelot!

Then Everyone cheer again and did what King Arthursaid. And as everyone help and tried to restore the village as much as theycan. Then King Arthur and his Royal knights and Merlin and his apprenticereturn to Camelot. 

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