Chapter 10 the uproar of Camelot

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Meanwhile back at Camelot things have not been good. The once good people of Camelot have become bitter, greedy and twisted. Even a simple marketer turns corrupted with ease.

Fish seller: what do you want you disgusting bastard!

person: what's it looks like I want a fish!

Fish seller: you want it, then give me what I want!

Person: oh, I got what you want right here!

Then the person jabs the fish seller with a staff and caused a huge fight that another people joined in. the knight tried to break it up. but far out in the distance. The Darklord Azearl was watching and smiling.

Darklord Azearl: good, soon I will be able to fulfilled my plan and nothing will stand in its way.

Then Darklord Azearl slightly laugh. Then knight call him.

Knight: Sir Morien! King Arthur wished to speak with you.

Darklord Azearl: on what?

Knight: his majesty is gathering all of his knights to him.

Darklord Azearl: very well then.

Then in the knights of the round table. King Arthur begin to talk to his knights.

King Arthur: my dear knights! Some is very wrong in our kingdom.

Sir Kay: what do you mean my king?

King Arthur: once our people had the ability to understand one another. Now, their hearts have been twisted filed with darkness and hatred.

Sir Lancelot: our king speaks the truth! Once had to break a fight up between two of our people with a rope that keeps their pants up. and the fight lasted for ten mins. Even some of a youngest knights are been affected as well.

Sir Percival: what can do to fix this evilness?

King Arthur: for now, stop any fight you see. I've had Merlin trying to find the mystery of this evilness and cure it as soon as possible. Be on the lookout my loyal knights... I sense something dark coming. Something with twisted and evil.

Then all of the knights left king Arthur.

Darklord Azearl: it would appear that the king is starting to suspect my doing. If he winds of my plans then everything will be for nothing. Perhaps I should speed things up bit.

And so, Darklord Azearl had begun to speed up his plan to make the people of Camelot more twisted and filled with hate. But what does he need King Arthur sword for? And what would be the outcome through his endeavour? 

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