Chapter 9 the search for the Triple edge dual knight

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And so, after resting at the den, Pan Eden begun his quest to find . Pan Eden travel east tried to find the rouge knight trails. It has been four days and still no sign of the triple edge dual Knight. Pan Eden begun to be very tried, for his search seems to be going nowhere. But then Pan Eden was under attack. he dodges a capture net but then got hit in the head with a club. Then Pan Eden passed out. Then hours later Pan Eden woke up in a place where theirs a bunch of bandits and thieves.

Pan Eden: what... ah, here am I?

Then the leader of the bandits got up from his chair and walk to Pan Eden who took some of his books and was tie up with metal chains.

Bandit Leader: so, is the one who stop our raid? At that stupid Den.

Bandit: yes, Ricard and the others didn't came back.

Bandit leader: and they were stopped by a stupid little wimp... with a whole a lot of powers inside of him.

Pan Eden: look just let me go and we can talk this out.

Bandit Leader: now why would want to do that. You're all alone. No one is looking for you. and you're here for the taking.

Pan Eden: what do you mean by that?

Bandit Leader: I know that you are Merlin little student. And I also know that you have more power than he does. And haven't you heard the saying "you eat what you become".

Pan Eden: eat? Your goanna starts eat me?!

Bandit Leader: I already eat people. I eat my last weak solider a week ago! start cooking boys then its smooth sailing to Camelot from here!!

Then all the thieves and bandits starting to cheer and got to cook Pan Eden alive.

Pan Eden: these people are backwards savage!

Meanwhile at the entrance to the Bandits and Thieves. Two lookouts were guarding the main entrance, but then. Someone who was hiding threw a dart at one of the lookouts and made him passed out.

Lookout: hey you bloody idiot! Wake up! no sleeping on the job!

Then a bola was thrown to the other lookout. It wraps around his legs and then someone came out of the bushes and was about to push the lookout of a cliff.

Lookout: ah, shit!

Then the lookout falls to his death. Then back deep in the Bandits and Thieves base. The Bandits and Thieves were preparing to cook Pan Eden alive and fed them to their leader. But without the Bandit and Thieves knowing, they were losing their man one by one.

Bandit leader: enough talk! Time for the feast!

Then the mystery man jumps to the air thrown some powder on the fire which made the fire burst burning some of the bandits and thieves burn alive.

Bandit Leader: him again! Kill the Bastard! Make suffer!!!

Then all of the Bandit and Thieves charge at the mystery man. the Mystery man was taking all of the Bandit and Thieves with ease. The Mystery man had been taking down the Bandits and Thieves down one by one. Then a big guy tried to attack the Mystery man with an axe. But the Mystery man grab a special shield and defended himself and then made a unique spin of the shield which then hit the big guy with his own axe from the bottom part.

Then the mystery man pushes the big guy down the stairs which hit more Bandits and Thieves. Then a Bandit thought he had the element of surprise on the mystery man with his sword. But the mystery man had armour that is so tough but doesn't spends to much on speed. The mystery man then punch the bandit who tried to surprise attack him knocking him out.

Bandit: who the hell is this guy?

Bandit Leader: you idiot! I know who that foul is! It the Triple edge dual knight!

The mystery man then reveal himself and took off his cloak. He then grabs one of the enemy's spear and throw it at Pan Eden. But it turns out that the spear was aimed at Pan Eden chain.

triple edge dual Knight: well, can you fight?

Pan Eden: in my own way, yes!

Then Pan Eden notice that a huge amount of reinforcements just shows up. then Pan Eden charge up his energy and shoot out a powerful lighting spell and shock all of the reinforcements in one attack. but it drained most of Pan Eden strength.

triple edge dual Knight: well that would be to easy.

Then the triple edge dual Knight brought out his signature weapons. Two tools that holds three swords in one hand each. He then begun to fight the remaining bandits and thieves with his weapons. The weapons he displays were not straighthood thinking, but clever in its own right. Both swords were spinning around. It shoots out and comes back. And it can attack from the behind. And it seems that triple edge dual Knight had won this battle. But then the Bandit leader said this to the triple edge dual Knight.

Bandit leader: turn around.

It turns out that Pan Eden got capture again from using a powerful spell and getting himself drain.

Bandit leader: drop your weapons... now!

Then the triple edge dual Knight did as the Bandit Leader said.

Bandit leader: you have been destroying my plans for months now. You're not ruining this one.

triple edge dual Knight: oh, and what are you planning to do with the boy anyway?

Bandit Leader: simple really. This boy has magic powers and I'm going to gain it, by eating him.

triple edge dual Knight: ok first up, that horrible idea.

Bandit Leader: but you eat what you become.

triple edge dual Knight: but who ever said it is an idiot!

Bandit Leader: hey!?

triple edge dual Knight: and secondly, that doesn't work.

Bandit leader: of course, it does.

triple edge dual Knight: have you tried it before.

Bandit Leader: no, but I'm taking this from weird knight, that doesn't use strength in battle!

triple edge dual Knight: fair point.

Then the triple edge dual Knight threw a hidden tiny bomb which is not close enough to hit the Bandit Leader.

Bandit Leader: really, you can't hit me with a bomb with that size and distance.

triple edge dual Knight: who said it was a bomb.

Then it turns out that bomb was actually a flash bomb. And the triple edge dual Knight hid his face before it blinds him. but the Bandit Leader got really blinded with it. Then the while trying to recover from it the pushed him so hard that the Bandit leader fall to his death of a ledge. Then the triple edge dual Knight grab Pan Eden and called his horse and ride off the base. But where exactly are they going?

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