Chapter 3 the knights of the round table and Camelot

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After King Arthur and his knights as well as Merlin and Pan Eden help restored order to the village that the dragon attack. they return to their home in Camelot. Where they planned to have a big feast to celebrated on King Arthur behave. As King Arthur returned home the people were cheering on his behave as well as his Royal knights.

King Arthur: people of Camelot, the last of the dragons... has been slayed!

Then the people started to cheer like crazy.

King Arthur: as ruler of Camelot, it is my job to protect and serve each and every one of you! and so we shall celebrate here... in Camelot! And so... may it rein for 100 years!!

Then the people started to cheer again. As they prepare a huge feast filled with tasty foods and beers around. They as Pan Eden was about to eat. Merlin stopped him and said.

Merlin: no partying for you Pan. You have plenty of homework to do. you may take some food to work studies and begin work on your skills.

Pan Eden: but master if I may. can't I enjoy myself just a little bit.

Then Merlin gave Pan Eden a scary look.

Pan Eden: very well master, I'll go.

As the party continues, King Arthur had quick talk with Merlin his wizard about Pan Eden.

King Arthur: how did the boy do today Merlin?

Merlin: while the boy may be powerful on his magic. He lacks a common goal. Something to motive him. something that can push him to help the people.

King Arthur: I see. What if you gave him a special job? Something that you only do?

Merlin: that could work your majesty, I thank you. there is something I must attend to in my studies, can you handle this celebration without me?

King Arthur: of course, old friend.

Then Merlin left the party to work on something.

King Arthur: I'm am very grateful of god not only giving this life I have. But also, the great peace Britain has ever seen.

Sir Lancelot: no, my king. It is you we should be thanking for. Because of your righteous heart you were able to pull Excalibur and able to protect this place and its people.

then as King Arthur and his knights of the round table were having fun. then King Arthur decide to left his sword up to the air. Then the rest of his knights grab their swords and lift it in the air to. Then the people watch as they made their special toast. Then King Arthur and his Knights yelled out.

King Arthur: to Britain and Camelot!

The knights of the round table: to Britain and Camelot!

And so, the night was drawn to a close and people wrote songs about it. However, their peace will soon be short lifted. 

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