Chapter 6 infiltrate Camelot

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Elsewhere in the castle as knights were on the outpost keeping an eye out, then they notice that Sir Morien was coming back to the castle.

Knight 1: Sir Morien returns to the castle!

Knight 2: open the gate!

Then the gates of Camelot open to let Sir Morien in. but what they did not know is that Sir Morien was possessed by . the Darklord Azearl then chuckle and said.

Darklord Azearl: this is going to be way easy.

Then Sir Lancelot went to talk to Sir Morien.

Sir Lancelot: Sir Morien! Glad you return safely old friend. Have you anything to report?

Darklord Azearl: nothing at all.

Then Sir Morien left Sir Lancelot, but Sir Lancelot was left confuses on Sir Morien's behaviour. Then as the Darklord Azearl notice on the work that King Arthur did towards the kingdom, he could not be help but to be disgusted.

Darklord Azearl: this great work that king Arthur did? How pathetic. I exception more.

Then as the Darklord Azearl went to the castle. He was looking for something in the castle. He keeps looking and looking. Then in a chamber he had found it what he was looking for... King Arthur Sword .

Darklord Azearl: finally!

the Darklord Azearl went to grab the sword but could not lift it.

Darklord Azearl: curse! This sword is so pure. I can't wield it. Perhaps if I can corrupt the sword, yes then I can wield it.

Then before the Darklord Azearl do anything. King Arthur show up.

King Arthur: Sir Morien! What are you doing?!

Darklord Azearl: oh, ha. Forgive me my king. You see I notice there was some blood on the sword so I went to clean it. Please forgive me for not asking.

King Arthur: hum... I heard that you have nothing to report on your patrol, out in the region.

Darklord Azearl: yes, there is nothing strange going on out there.

King Arthur: very well then. Go to your chambers and rest you will need it.

Darklord Azearl: thank you, my king.

Then King Arthur left and took the sword with him.

Darklord Azearl: getting the sword will be harder than I thought. But no matter, there are... other ways for me to get that sword.

And so, the Darklord Azearl begun to forge his own plan. what kind of plan is he coming up with? And why does he need the sword anyway? And where did he come from?

Pan edenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora