Chapter 18 Forgive me

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Meanwhile back at Camelot some of the rage people were starting to get back to normal and waking up after Merlin's spell. but Pan Eden and Merlin as well as Sir Calvin were getting themselves back up.

Pan Eden: ah... what a crazy vision. Say Merlin, did you have the same vision as well? It was about this strange girl who happen to-

But Merlin appeared to be frozen.

Pan Eden: ah, Merlin? is everything ok?

Then all of sudden Merlin attack Sir Calvin and put him unconcise and trap Pan Eden in sphere.

Pan Eden: Merlin! what are you doing!?

Merlin: forgive me young Pan Eden. Theirs is a great evil on the arising. I've foresight it. This evil will come in the future and you must be prepared for it!

Pan Eden: Merlin please!

Merlin: this will be the last time I see you, young Pan Eden. Though I never said it but... I thought you as my own son. I am very sorry it has to come to this.

Pan Eden: Merlin?

Merlin: I Merlin will send you to the Future!!

Then Pan Eden started flying up to the sky and then disappear. And using that spell with the little magic he had was about to kill him. then Sir Calvin started to get up.

Sir Calvin: where is his?

Then Sir Calvin grab Merlin and yelled.

Sir Calvin: Where is Pan Eden!!

Merlin: I... had to... send him... somewhere...

Sir Calvin: don't you die until you say it! Where is Pan Eden!!

Then... Merlin died on Sir Calvin hands and did not tell where he sends Pan Eden. Then Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain and Sir Percival enter the room and shock to see what happen.

Sir Gawain: what happen here?

Sir Percival: where's Pan Eden?

Sir Calvin: Merlin send him somewhere, and die in my arms before he could tell me anything.

Sir Lancelot: your serious?

Sir Calvin: what of the people?

Sir Lancelot: oh, well they all started to wake up. and theirs not a hint of rage or lust in them.

Sir Gawain: yes, there just confuse and sickly bit.

Sir Calvin: I see. gather them in the main courtyard. Everyone of them.

Sir Percival: yes, but why?

Sir Calvin: its time... for a new change.

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