Chapter 17 the full power of Excalibur

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Meanwhile as King Arthur and the Darklord Azearl were continuing fighting each other for the fate of the world. King Arthur attack the Darklord Azearl with light beams coming out of King Arthur Sword. But the Darklord Azearl kept dodging its attacks. Then the Darklord Azearl threw his sword at King Arthur but dodge it.

Then the Darklord Azearl sword was coming back towards King Arthur, lucky King Arthur saw that coming and not only counter the sword, but also counter the Darklord Azearl surprise attack at the same time with his sword. Then as the clouds grew darker and started to release lighting. King Arthur then brought up his sword and lighting struck it, then King Arthur had the lighting struck at the Darklord Azearl from his sword.

But the Darklord Azearl dodge it at the last second. Then the Darklord Azearl stab his sword into the ground and had big spikes come out of the ground and it pop out at King Arthur. But King Arthur saw that coming and jump into the air. But then the Darklord Azearl got King Arthur and had King Arthur slam down to the ground. but not before King Arthur destroyed the spikes before he lands with energy with his sword. Then as the two warriors got back up, they were both very tried and drained from fighting each other. mostly King Arthur.

Darklord Azearl: (chuckle)

King Arthur: you find this assuming?

Darklord Azearl: no... I'm just enjoying the fact that I'm going to win. Because even with all the power you have, you are still a human. And you are going to die after this battle and human kind will end.

King Arthur: you're right about one thing. I... am going to die after this battle. But not the way you think. And even though I will die, at least I got the chance to live the life I wanted. And everyone will have chance to live the life they wanted. In exchange... for both our lives.

Darklord Azearl: and how are you going to stop me?

King Arthur: this next attack will change the course of human history one day. But...

Then King Arthur summon the fuel power of Excalibur which holds unbelievable power. as it was holding the Darklord Azearl still and was channel energy so much power that it was like the same energy as the sun.

King Arthur: ...At least you will perish!!

Darklord Azearl: what going on? I can't move?

King Arthur: Azearl!!!

Then King Arthur slice through the demon and then an energy wave covers the whole world. While no one else got hurt in the blast wave and doesn't have any effect one anyone yet. But back at the aftermath between King Arthur and the Darklord Azearl. The Darklord Azearl was starting to fade away slowly. And King Arthur was struggling to get up.

King Arthur: it over... Azearl. You've... lost!

Darklord Azearl: you think this is over! Not by a long shot! Just because you won today, doesn't mean I can't come back! You may think you live in peace! In this stupid world you live! But one day... one day... I will return to destroy it!!!

Then Darklord Azearl disappeared and king Arthur hope what he said did not come to past. Then King Arthur used what last strength he had to walk and then King Arthur stab his sword to the ground.

King Arthur: forgive me old friend. You were truly worthier weapon to be used. Ah... I hope one day that a worthier person comes and lift you from your seal again. My time... in this world... is... over.

Then King Arthur... died. Having spend all of his power and having to many wounds all over him was too much for the king to bear. His time to rule Camelot was over. 

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