Chapter 19 the end of Camelot

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After the whole ordeal with the Darklord Azearl has ended. Sir Calvin came with a new revelation. He gathers everyone to from the kingdom and prepare what he had to say.

Sir Calvin: People of Camelot. I know this are very strange times. But please lend me your ears and hearts. We had experience here something terrible. And now it time... for change. We have been in same rule for a while that lead an opening of great despair that cause us to attack one another.

I'm not saying it anyone's fail. But the true monster behind this is... the system. We must work together and said what do we really what. The old system had already taken Camelot away from us. so, now we must start over. But we are going to start over. I say we start over the right way so, who's with me!

Then people start to cheer and begun to start packing and left for a new journey to find a new system that will work. Thus, the new era had started to begun to flourish. And everyone begins to work hard and find new mean in their lives. But one question comes to mind. Where is Pan Eden?

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