Chapter 13 the lady of the lake

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Meanwhile Pan Eden and Sir Calvin were just near the border of the lady of the lake. Ready for the trails up ahead.

Sir Calvin: this is it. The lady of the lake. This could be very dangerous for anyone who weak hearted. So... are you ready?

Pan Eden: I am.

Sir Calvin: alright then. Let's go.

Then the two walked in to find the lady of the lake.

Pan Eden: say. Sir Calvin, just asking. What kind of defences are there for the lady of the lake?

Sir Calvin: well, it not really defences. But you are right, not just anyone can walk through and see the lady of the lake. There are five trails in here. And it gets tougher for each one. And if you get knock out you have to start over.

Pan Eden: how many trails have you passed?

Sir Calvin: to be honest... only two.

Pan Eden: seriously?!

Sir Calvin: yup never got passed the third one.

Pan Eden: jezz how tough could it be to get to the lady of the lake?

Then auras of light surrounded both Sir Calvin and Pan Eden.

Pan Eden: What is this?!

Sir Calvin: just stay calm. They're just seeing how pure we are. Only those of pure heart are allowed in.

Then the light stops.

Pan Eden: so, I take it that it means we passed?

Sir Calvin: yes.

Pan Eden: that was very easy.

Sir Calvin: yeah, I know.

Pan Eden: what happens if we didn't pass?

Sir Calvin: I assume that the light will knock us out. Anyway, come on we need move on for the next trial.

Pan Eden: I'm all for trying to passing these trails, but I hope they put on more of a challenge.

Then all of a sudden, both Pan Eden and Sir Calvin feet were turning into stone.

Pan Eden: what is this?! I better use my magic!

But nothing happens.

Pan Eden: what's going on?!

Sir Calvin: calm down Pan Eden! If you let it happen you will not passed. Just... relax.

Then as Sir Calvin body that was turning to stone. Started to disappear. Then Pan Eden tried relax and the same thing happen to him.

Pan Eden: that was a big turning point from the first trail. How many times did you fail this one then realise?

Sir Calvin: why Pan, what matter is how turn experience and learns something about it. And it took me three times to learn that.

Then the two walked to their next trial.

Pan Eden: Say, Sir Calvin quick question. What the third trial like?

Sir Calvin: you will soon find out my friend.

Then all of a sudden, a dragon showed up out of nowhere. Then the dragon roar.

Sir Calvin: which is right now my friend.

Then the dragon shoots out fire at Pan Eden and Sir Calvin both dodge it.

Pan Eden: A Dragon?! You been losing to a Dragon?!

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